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Rafa won his second round game in straight sets once again

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Rafa won his second round game in straight sets once again. Awkward questions awaited him in his own press conference, and Luna felt relieved that she'd pre-warned him about what Nick had said. However, Rafa deflected all questions that were not tennis related, which included questions about Nick, but also about whether his relationship with Luna was under strain, and if it was, what was the cause of it. It was confirmation that people had picked up on their slight animosity. Luna hadn't gone to the arena to watch his game, wanting to avoid public contact with him until they'd sorted out their differences, but it was too late to keep it quiet.

Luna had intended to reconcile with Rafa that evening. Apart from anything else, she missed her friend. The two of them rarely fought so badly, and it was starting to upset the brunette. However, Rafa had barely been back in their apartment for ten minutes before he was on the point of leaving again.

"Where are you going then?" Luna asked, staring at him from across the room.

"To dinner with my girlfriend," he deadpanned, in a voice that plainly said 'I don't need to answer to you.'

"Alright then," Luna shrugged. "I might as well invite my boyfriend here then."

Rafa's face finally betrayed emotion. The Spaniard appeared to be conflicted, but it was eventually fury that predominated.

"Don't you dare bring Nick Kyrgios here," he glared at her. "This isn't your apartment."

"So? It's not yours either, going on that logic."

"Okay, one, I had to find out at the last minute that you were officially together, just so I didn't find out from the media. And two, which of us is the professional here?"

It was Luna's turn to glare at him.

"Maybe I should just leave and get a REAL job then," she rolled her eyes. She was hurt, and wanted to lash out at him, but even when angry she could never bring herself to hurt him. Apparently, Rafa could.

"Maybe you should," he stated. With that he turned, and left the apartment. The door was slammed shut with a bang that all but rattled the hinges.

Luna stared after him in disbelief.

"Are we even friends anymore?" She said to the empty living room. She felt tears coming to her eyes, and furiously blinked them away. She was shaken beyond words. After a few minutes of trying to comprehend what had happened, she picked up her phone and texted the first person who came to her mind. Nick read her message almost instantly, and suddenly her phone was ringing.

"Luna? Are you okay?"

"I... yeah? I will be."

"What happened?" Nick's voice was filled with concern and worry, and Luna felt a semblance of warmth return to her heart.

"Me and Raf had a big argument," she mumbled, hearing to her dismay the catch in her voice betraying her emotion.

"Are you crying baby?" Nick asked. "Hey, come on, bring your stuff, you can stay here overnight, yeah?"

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