Chapter 1

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Michal came running down the corridor, crying and screaming at the same time. Her face was pale, her eyes large and the look of fear, clearly showed that something terrible had happened to cause her distress. The palace servants, stopping whatever they were doing, looked on in worried surprise. Michal ran blindly into the arms of Ahinoam, her mother. It took a few minutes to calm the young girl down to a point where Ahinoam could make sense of what she was saying. Asking again she inquired, "What is wrong, my child?"
" Father tried to kill me" Michal sobbed.
After shooing the servants away, Ahinoam led her daughter to her room, and slowly, between the sobs, listened to what had happened in King Saul's chamber. After laying Michal down on her bed. The queen stomped down the corridor and burst into the royal chamber, not bothering to knock and anounce herself, as protocol required.
"What do you think you're doing!" she screamed, only then noticing the javelin, still quivering, stuck in the wall, alongside the entrance to the room. " You could have killed our daughter " she added.
King Saul sat on his bed, hunching his shoulders, answered, " The evil spirit came upon me while she was playing the harp, I thought her playing would sooth me. I'm sorry."
Ahinoam, shaking her head in exasperation, turned and started for the door. Half-way she turned and hissed softly, which only emphasised the menace in her voice, " That's the last time you ask Michal to play for you." Then pulling the spear out of the wall, she said, "Why do you even have this thing in your room, with your condition. Get some other fool with a death wish to play for you." She threw the spear down, and left the room, slamming the door behind her.

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