Chapter 6

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David had left King Saul's court a boy, and returned a man, a hero.  His life would never be the same again.
Saul would send David on many military excursions in the months that lay ahead.
The Lord was with David, the more Saul sent him to engage in battle with Israel's enemies, the more David returned victorious. Saul became jealous of David's success and his fits of depression started to torment him again. Even David's attempts to sooth King Saul's troubled spirit with his music, only resulted in David becoming the target for the tormented man's spear throwing.

The scheming Jarvin, having remembered the King's promise before the defeat of Goliath, approached Saul in his chambers. "O great king, I know you are a busy man, and so I would like to render my services in this joyous matrimonial matter, in which I am quite experienced."
A puzzled look replaced the sour expression that had made residence on the King's countenance of late. The intrusion into his privacy, by this member of the Assembly, with his theatrical manner immediately irritated Saul. The king countered "And what matter would that be?"
Jarvin, with mock shock replied, " Sire! Surely you remember the promise you made at the battle of Elah, before that hideous monstrosity of a Philistine was beheaded by David?"
Saul was in no mood for guessing games, but the name of his nemesis made him reply, "I seem to have forgotten but I have no doubt you are about to remind me."
Jarvin, with a contrite smile, answered, "Forgive me O king, I know that you were burdened with important military matters, but a promise is a promise, and it was made numerous times to all your men "
Saul knew that he should remember, but feeling fatigued and frustrated he grabbed his javelin and bellowed out, "If you don't come to the point of this rambling, you are in danger of taking the answer to your grave!"
Jarvin knew he had pushed Saul to his limit, and dropping to one knee, to show remorse and to make himself a smaller target, he quickly blurted out, "O king, did you not promise to give your daughter's hand in marriage, and other benefits, to the person who would accept Goliath's challenge, and defeat him? Did not your young servant, David, accept and defeat the Philistine champion? Is David not worthy of receiving the prize you promised?"
The King's silence confused Jarvin, for he was expecting an angry retort. Saul, however, forgetting about Jarvin for the moment, contemplated the outcome of this arrangement. He could not go back on his word, but to give David, especially the way he felt about him at this time, something that the young warrior would really treasure, was out of the question. A thought crossed his mind, and a smile played on his lips. Looking at last at Jarvin, Saul asked, "Now what services can you offer your king?"
Jarvin took only a second to realise his luck had miraculously changed and answered with nearly all of his usual flair, "Weddings, my King, I can arrange wonderful weddings!"
"Well my young adviser, you'd better get on with it then.". Saul spun in his chair, turning his back on Jarvin.
Jarvin bowed automatically and left, but the King didn't notice, he had other plans on his mind.

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