Chapter 8

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Saul reclined on his couch.  He smiled to himself.  He had, at last, found a way to thrust a thorn in David's side. 
Saul's love for David had turned to jealousy, when David's victories had turned the people's admiration and praise away from himself, the King, to this handsome young man, that seemingly, could do no wrong.  Saul's jealousy had turned to hatred, when the thought entered his mind that David's popularity could even threaten his own position on the throne.
Saul's hatred for David had so consumed his mind, that his thoughts were continually centered on only one to end David's life.  Saul couldn't be directly involved.  David's popularity would have the whole country demanding revenge, if anything happened to their hero, not even a king would be exempt from their rage.  Something would present itself, Saul would just have to bide his time.

Jarvin sat in his room, head in his hands.  He had been out manoeuvred by the King.  He had followed the love affair between David and Michal, watching them while they walked in the garden, saw them together in the music room.  He actually liked the couple and was genuinely pleased that he could play a part in their marriage.  His face clouded over as he realised that was not to be.
He was not someone to give up easily, but his time was running out.  Saul would soon be asking about the wedding arrangements, so he had to to come up with something....quickly!

Abihail was a trader. He had accumulated great wealth during his many years of business, trading up and down the Jordan valley from his home in the Meholah district. He had seven children, 3 daughters and 4 sons. His eldest Son, Adriel, was schooled to take over the business. Well educated, always immaculately dressed and handsome to boot, he travelled far and wide to procure the finest cloth, cotton and rare works of art that was demanded by his upper class clients. In fact he found himself so often in the company of the aristocracy, that often he was mistaken for someone of noble birth.

Jarvin, who had attended some of the trade meetings held at King Saul's court, had befriended Adriel, and on several occasions, had sampled the wines, which Adriel had brought as samples.
Jarvin, checked his calendar, he felt in need of company, other than the people around him. He knew it was time for his trader friend to visit Gibeah again. He hoped he would brimg some samples of wine with him again. Jarvin was in dire need of something to drown his sorrows. As he was thinking about the arrival of his friend, an idea slowly started to form in his mind. A sly smile started to play on his lips.

The next day, Jarvin was up and dressed long before the rest of the household had seen the light of day. He strode with long, eager strides along the streets on his way to the market place. He knew Adriel sold to the local stalls, as well as directly to the more elite customers.
He wanted to catch Adriel, before the bartering started in ernest. When he arrived at the market, it was still early, and stall keepers were still busy either erecting their temporary shops or displaying their wares in the most enticing positions.

Jarvin made straight for the camel pen. He looked around eagerly, hoping to catch Adriel before he left for the market. Up and down the rows of stinking, loud animals he went, but could not see his friend.
Feeling a bit dejected, he started off again towards the market place. He had only gone a few steps, when a large hand whacked him across the back, so hard, that he accidently swallowed the piece of gum he was chewing. A ritual he did every morning to clean his teeth.
After coughing and spluttering, he turned to see who it was that accosted him so. He was greeted by two rows of spotlessly white teeth, set in a well tanned face. It was none other than Adriel himself. "My good friend" Adriel greeted, " What brings you here so early in the morning, surely there are not enough people yet to savour your flowery words?"

Jarvin couldn't believe his luck. " Ah Adriel" He smiled. "Just the person I wanted to see. Have you got a few moments for a friend? I have something important to discuss with you. Let us talk over a hot cup of that disgusting liquid they brew from roasted beans. It is said to wake you up and make you tremble."

They sat, sipping their hot brew in silence. Adriel could see Jarvin wanted to say something, but clearly he didn't know where to start. After, what seemed like an age, Jarvin sighed and finally spoke up. "Have you got anyone special in your life, I know...a woman!" Adriel burst out laughing and continued to laugh, but after a few moments, seeing that Jarvin wasn't laughing, in fact his face was still set in the serious expression he had when he asked the question, Adriel replied, " You're not joking, are you. Why do you ask?"
"You've always wanted to marry into royalty haven't you?" Jarvin continued. Again, Adriel started laughing but this time it was a nervous laugh that didn't last too long. "What's with all the questions" he exclaimed. " What's my love life got to do with you anyway!"

Jarvin changed direction, but only a little bit.
" You're a business man. I've got a proposition for you. When you come across a good deal, you don't hesitate, you snap it up." He paused for effect, then continued before Adriel could answer. " I've got something exciting lined up for you, but you must be prepared to act fast, or else it will be too late."
" Goodness! What's gotten into you." Adriel mocked, "I don't know you.....go away, send that jovial fellow called Jarvin back to me. I liked him better."
Jarvin replied. "I'm not joking" and then dropped the bombshell, "How would you like to marry a princess?"

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