Chapter 3

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And so David came to live at King Saul's palace.  His chief duty was to play his lyre and sing for the king, when the King's depression got out of hand.
From the very first day, young Michal couldn't keep her eyes off the well tanned, handsome musician, who now seemed to appear before her round every turn. And so it was, that a seed of love was planted in the fertile soil of Michal's heart. Her inherent feminine wiles went into overdrive, as she strove to think of ways to be in the company of this young man. David, besides showing the civility that was required when encountering a member of the royal family, seemed totally disinterested.

Pitying her frustration, fate finally presented Michal with an opportunity, whereby she could be in David's presence without concocting some lame excuse.
Coming from Saul's Chambers one day, David strode abstractedly humming a song, that had stuck in his head, after Saul had requested he play it for him. Michal, walking in the other direction, and recognising the tune, unconsciously, also started humming the song.
As they passed each other, they stopped, sheepishly looking at each other, the humming got softer and softer, before either could say a word, they burst out laughing. The ice had been broken.
"I know that tune!" Michal exclaimed.
" It was one of my father's favourites, when I used to play for him " she continued.
"You used to play for your father?" David queried. "Yes" Michal answered.
"Why did you stop? David returned.
"He threw a javelin at me " Michal replied and immediately continued, "Has he never thrown that stupid thing at you?"
David hesitated for a moment, not wanting to lie, but also, not wanting to put his delicate, slowly forming friendship with Saul at risk, replied with a smile, "Yes he did! but to be fair my lyre was out of tune and my singing was atrocious that day....I would have done the same thing, if I was in your father's shoes"
Michal was shocked that her father still had those tormenting, depressing moods. She did however, think very highly of David for not discrediting her father, even though he had every reason to do so.

The hook firmly planted, Michal decided to capitalise on the moment. " Do you know how to tune a harp?" She asked."I just can't seem to get it right, and it's affecting my playing. I have to wait such a long time until my music teacher comes to court."
Falling into the trap, David, genuinely concerned, answered, "Well of course I'll help. Perhaps we can play together. I'll meet you tomorrow after I've cleaned the King's armour.". Immediately Michal interrupted David. " Why do you have to clean his armour, isn't that the armour bearer's job?"
David couldn't help pushing his chest out, just a little bit, and answered, "Your father has put me in charge of his armour "
Michal answered with a 'Ok..whatever' look on her face and continued, "I'll meet you in the music-room. My sister will also be there, otherwise my mom won't be pleased.
David raised his eyebrows and in mock shock took a step backwards as if someone was watching. Spinning around, he started to move away, but not without winking at her with a casual "See you tomorrow, Princess!"
Michal, hands on her hips, whispered, "Cheeky brat!" She was a little disappointed with the parting, but deep down she was already counting down the 24 hours before she would see David again.

David thought it a bit funny that the harp actually didn't need tuning, but had the common sense not to mention it.
Playing together was a bit strained with Merab sitting there. Merab was older than Michal and completely different. Quiet and very talented in her own right. Her tapestries decorated nearly every room in the palace. One fact was certain, she loved her sister very much.

Taking a break from playing, Michal called David over to the window, where she was standing. 
"Look" she said, "Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?"  Michal was referring to the Royal gardens, laid out in their colourful splendour, below.
David, casting his eyes over the vast green terraces, dotted with splashes of intense colour,  answered truthfully, "It really is magnificent!"
"Come" Michal said eagerly, "I'll take you on a guided tour."  Merab looked up from her sewing, "Michal?" Her sister's name was all Merab said, but Michal knew exactly what she meant, her sister's eyes completing the inquiry. 
"Oh come now, sister.  You can watch us from the window, we won't wander far." And with that, Michal linked her arm with David's arm and nearly pulling him along waltzed out the music room.
Merab was pleased to see her younger sister so happy, but if that young man misbehaved in anyway at all.....well there were always guards nearby.

For the first time David felt something he had never felt before.  When this lively, pretty girl had slipped her arm round his,  and he felt her soft, warm skin touch his arm, something happened.  His skin tinged, did his heart skip a beat?....he wasn't sure.  The last time he felt anything close to this, was just before he fought the lion, that attacked his sheep.  What really worried him, he found himself liking the feeling.  Tonight he would have to play his lyre for himself....for his emotions were in a turmoil.

High above the garden, not only Merab stood watching the couple.  From another balcony, keeping to the shadows Jarvin gazed down on them.  His face expressionless.  He showed no emotion because he didn't have any.  He merely noted what he saw, as he archived everything he saw happening in the court.
Information that could be used to further his own standing in the scheme of things.

The Music-maker, the Warrior, the friend of God.Where stories live. Discover now