Chapter 7

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Jarvin didn't do anything unless his social standing or his pocket stood to benefit from his actions. This time he thought he had scored a camel with two humps!
Firstly, once he told David of the King's blessing for his marriage to Michal, David would be indebted to him and a friendship with a mighty warrior would always have it's advantages.
Secondly, as chief organiser of a royal wedding....well what would the rest of the Assembly say....they would have to look up to him.

Ever since David returned with Saul from the battle of Elah valley, Michal had realised that her infatuation with the musician, now turned warrior, had developed into real love.  Their times together, instead of the frivolous, playful moments, had now become times of pleasure and appreciation of each others company. 

Jarvin's celebration of convincing Saul to agree to the marriage of his daughter to David was short lived.  Two days after his meeting with Saul he merrily entered the music room, where he knew he would find Michal, Merab and perhaps even David.  He wanted to tell them the good news, if they already didn't know.  Entering the room, the two sisters were there alone.  The scene that met his eyes was certainly not what he had expected.

Michal was sobbing uncontrollably.  Merab held her sister in her arms trying to calm her, but not having much luck.
Jarvin was quite taken aback, and seeing that Michal was in no condition to talk, he inquired of Merab what was going on.
The older sister, with tears running down her cheeks also, replied, "Father has arranged for me to marry David!"
"!" Jarvin gasped, "I spoke to your father only two days ago.  I am to arrange the wedding.  The union was supposed to be between your sister and David,  everyone knows how they feel about each other, even the King.". Merab handed Jarvin a piece of parchment, which he immediately recognised as a royal decree.  He read the contents, handed it back to Merab and stormed out of the room.  What was the King playing at.

The hours seemed to drag by before the King gave Jarvin an audience.  After the perfunctory bow, Jarvin immediately exclaimed,  "There must be some mistake, I thought we agreed apon the marriage between Michal and David!"  The King peered over the bunch of grapes he was eating.  "Are you accusing your King of making mistakes?  I'd watch my tongue if I were you, my friend, lest you want to lose it"
"But, but I thought....." continued Jarvin.  The King stood up, interrupting the young adviser, and very loudly, and with finality shouted, "My mind is made up, my decision is final.  I cannot allow a younger daughter to be married off before an older daughter.  You should know that.  Now leave. "

The Music-maker, the Warrior, the friend of God.Where stories live. Discover now