Chapter 5

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The palace had been quite peaceful for the last few months.  King Saul had been away fighting the Philistines, and things had returned to normal.  Michal was back to her normal, bubbly self, practising the harp and pestering Merab, her elder sister.

It was mid-afternoon, when the cry went out, " Saul has returned.  Yahweh has given him the victory. " The young girls began to dance and sing :

"Our enemies have been defeated.
The Philistines have been cut down, like rabid dogs,
Like spilt red wine their blood paves the road between Elah and Gath,
Their bodies, like fallen trees, block the road between Elah and Ekron. 
Our soldiers labour under the spoils of war.
The chariots strain under the load of weapons and armour taken from their deserted camps. 
The wine, like our joy, will overflow our cups. 
Sleep will elude us, we will celebrate through the night. 
Who can stand against the mighty God of Israel. 
Death and destruction will come to those that defile His Holy Name."

Merab was standing, with her mother on the balcony overlooking the street.  Saul would be leading the victory parade through the streets of Gibeah, followed by his Commander-in-chief  of the army.  The generals and high ranking officers would follow on horseback and then the infantry. The normally subdued Merab, couldn't contain her excitement. "Here they come" she squealed. " Michal! Come see"

Michal was putting away her music and covering her harp. All this fuss about military parades and things didn't really interest her.
Suddenly, Merab, lifting her hands to her face, gasped "Oh! this cannot be, what is happening? ". Turning to her sister she exclaimed "Michal come must see this!"
Michal was going to object, but the tone of her sister's voice and the astonishment on her face, made her dash to the balcony. Squeezing in between her mother and her sister, she looked down at the spectacle unfolding down in the street below. At first she saw nothing out of the ordinary. The march past was exactly as she had pictured it in her minds eye. Somewhat perplexed she said "What's all the fuss about?" Merab in exasperation, hanging precariously over the balcony wall, pointing with her finger, exclaimed "Oh dear girl, look, look there, just behind father, riding next to Jonathan." Michal squinted a little, as she focused on the spot indicated by her sister. First she went pale, then her face reddend as realisation slowly set in. There riding behind Saul and next to Jonathan, in fact riding Jonathan's horse AND wearing Jonathan's armour was.......David.
David must have felt the eyes staring down on him. He looked up and waved.

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