Chapter 9

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Jarvin arranged for Adriel to visit the palace the next day. He was to meet Merab and under the guise of presenting beautiful material and tapestry wool to her for approval, the two intended, could get to know each other a bit better. Feigning indecision, Merab would require Adriel to bring his wares, day after day for viewing.

Merab had initially been quite taken aback by Jarvin's plan, but strangely enough her whole being had fought against the reasoning of her brain, which insisted she not listen to the outrageous plan presented by the smooth talking adviser. But her heart had won, and soon she was intently listening, not realising she was leaning forward, not to miss one word.

Merab had eventually agreed to the plan, for a few reasons. She and Adriel had met before on numerous occasions, and she had always thought of him as soft spoken, handsome and extremely well attired. Merab had spent the best years of her life in the palace. She hardly went out and spent most of her time in the garden or with her pastimes. Secretly, she longed for some adventure. As Adriel's wife, she had the chance to see places she could only dream of.
The deal clincher for Merab was, however, the fact that she loved her baby sister more than anything. It had been heart wrenching to watch Michal's disappointment at the news , of their father's ruling, that she couldn't marry David. Merab would have done anything to change that situation, and now, thanks to Jarvin, she could do something.

After a week of secretly courting, Merab and Adriel were ready. David and Michal had been informed that there was a chance that they could be together again, but Jarvin was playing his cards close to his chest, not giving too much away, for fear of losing his advantage.
Now all eyes, and hopes, were on him. There was one more river to cross. A mighty dangerous river. He had to convince Saul to change his mind and accept the new arrangement.
If Jarvin could pull this off, well!, it would be the biggest victory of his life so far. He was to meet with Saul that very afternoon. He hadn't slept the night before. He couldn't eat, having lost all interest in food. He kept pacing up and down his room, refusing to see anyone. Once, Adriel had poked his head round the door, and seeing Jarvin totally preoccupied merely said " Good luck my friend." Closed the door and left.

Saul heard the knock on the door, "Enter" He said, not looking up from the manuscript he was reading. Jarvin entered and stood near the door. When Saul looked up he said." Ah! Jarvin, how are the wedding arrangements coming along?" Jarvin swallowed hard, his throat dry. His answer bringing a confused look to the King's face. "Sire, do you love Merab, your daughter?" Saul, still puzzled, answered, " What sort of question is that, of course I do. Besides Jonathan, she is my favourite" Jarvin replied "Why then, O king, have you condemned her to a life of misery. A life married to a man she doesn't love." Saul, feeling a little cornered, countered, "I have told you before....the older daughter must marry first "

"My King, may I speak plainly " Saul's only answer was a nod of the head. "It is known to most of the Assembly of your advisers, some of your close servants speak about it, and your Generals are aware that you seek to rid yourself of your music-maker, now warrior.....I speak of David."
Cautiously Saul answered,"What has that got to do with my daughter?"
Jarvin continued,"My King, may I be so bold as to suggest that your decision to marry off poor Merab to David, was to spite David, whom you know, loves Michal. A decision that did not take, as you yourself have just admitted, your favourite daughter's feelings into account."
Jarvin saw Saul's eyes narrow, he quickly continued lest he lose the King's attention and his audience. "As your adviser, and someone that holds your daughter's well being at heart, may I suggest a solution to this problem that would be acceptable to all concerned. It will benefit you greatly my King, as you can take full credit for the arrangement, and earn the love and respect of your eldest daughter."
Jarvin waited. A lot rested on Saul's answer. Saul's mind was in a turmoil, his hatred of David had clouded so many of his decisions. He hadn't even given Merab's feelings a thought. Thinking, what could this young man have in mind, he merely answered,"Go on"
Jarvin continued, "Honouring the tradition of the oldest daughter being given in wedlock first, I propose that Merab, indeed be married first. She has shown much interest in a young business man, who actually visits your court on a regular basis. This fine gentleman, Adriel is his name, has in the most respectable manner, shown the same interest in your daughter. Furthermore, upon inquiring if this friendship could lead to something of a more permanent nature, both parties agreed that this could assuredly be the case. If you, good King, could find it in your heart to sanction such a union, I'm sure Merab would be forever grateful, not to mention the love she would bestow on her father for taking her feelings into consideration." Jarvin paused, looking at Saul's demeanour, he thought he had noticed an inkling of agreement, but now for the hard part.
Jarvin carefully chose his next words, but not before sending two quick prayers to heaven. "Forgive me David, forgive me Almighty God."
"This leaves Michal free to marry David"
Immediately Saul started to shake his head and stir from his, thus far, relaxed position. Jarvin jumped right in, as if he hadn't noticed Saul's reaction.
"A union that can afford you with an opportunity to attain what you have for so long desired. The demise of David."
Saul, sourly exclaimed "Speak plainly and quickly, for your rambling is fast leading to your demise! Explain how giving David what he desires, will benefit me?"
Jarvin wanted to smile, but stopped himself. He knew Saul had taken the bait. Now to get him to swallow the hook! He drew a deep breath for his closing statement.
"Do you remember, Sire, when you were newly wed? Were you perhaps sent to do something, perhaps even sent to do battle against some enemy. Were your thoughts on the matter at hand, or were they entangled with memories of two writhing bodies making passionate love...
If perchance David was sent to war soon after his night of wedded bliss, would it not be possible that he would be so distracted by his thoughts, that he would not see an enemy's  javelin speeding it's way to his belly."
Jarvin paused, but Saul looked to be deep in thought. So he continued, "Furthermore, as your son-in-law, are you not entitled to promote David to a greater position of leadership. A position that would necessitate he lead the charge into battle. A position of great honour, but also of great danger. Not many return unscathed from such a position, many do not return at all." Jarvin bowed and retreated to the door, he looked at the King and quietly said, "I await your answer" Closed the door and left.

The Music-maker, the Warrior, the friend of God.Where stories live. Discover now