How Annoying...

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Khun was furious.

It's been a few days since you had been talking to him, you were busying yourself with training and such.

Everytime Khun tried to talk to you, you just replied it with your body gestures such as nodding your head meaning yes, shaking your head meaning no, shrugged your shoulders meaning you don't know.

And when Khun became angry at your simple answer, you would be angry too, glaring at him and he would stomped off hoping that you would called his name and apologize at your rude behavior towards him.

But you never do that.

But now here you are, laughing happily while playing cards with the yellow big chicken that can talk named Gyetang.

His eyebrows twitched in irritation as he saw the scene in front of him, you completely avoided his presence.

Did he do something wrong? But he never do something that would make this hard stone hearted girl upset or mad.

"I'll buy some groceries" he said to the others that were on the living room including you.

He looked at your back that was facing him. Usually, you want to tag along if he went to the town but this time, you just raising your hand and waved at him "Hafe a save trip!" you said with your usual cheerful tone.

Khun can't take it anymore "You're coming with me" he grab your hand and dragged you with him. The cards still in your hands while the others just watching the scene.

"Hey!" you compalined when Khun keep dragging you away, forcing your steps to match with his long steps.

Khun avoided you and still dragging you with him. You grab his hand and pull him towards you forcefully so suddenly which make him finally stop and look at you.

"What's wrong with you?" you asked him while take your hand back from his hand, you crossed your hand in front of your chest confused by your dear friend sudden behavior.

You can see Khun was fuming with anger, his pale face becoming red as he held back his anger "I should be the one who asked you what's wrong with you?!" he half shouted which gained people attention.

You grabbed his hand and dragged him to the more quiet place not want to cause a scene in front of everyone "What do you mean?" you asked calmly while leaning against the wall that just right behind you.

Khun was frustrated, how can you act like you've done nothing wrong??

He sighed deeply and calm himself down before answering your question "You've been avoiding me for these past few days" he said, his face were stern and cold but you can heard the pain in his voice.

You keep silent for a moment thinking which part of you that avoiding him from these few days, Khun became nervous as he don't hear anything from you "Did i do something wrong?" his voice is shaking.

It's not like the usual Khun Aguero Agnes you knew.

Then suddenly it clicked in your head, the way you answer him when he talked to you for these past few days. It did make anyone think that you were avoiding him.

You suddenly laugh earning a confused Khun Aguero Agnes as he looked at you weirdly "Why the hell are you laughing?" he asked this time with full of annoyance.

Even though he act cool and arrogant in front of other people, you always found it cool when he act cute like this in front of you "I'm not avoiding you" you stated as you stop laughing.

"But you-!" you cut him of as you pull him towards you and make his back facing the wall while you stood in front of him trapping his taller body between your arms.

Khun can felt that his heart beats goes faster as your faces just inches away from his, you smirked at him which make him blush cutely.

You really like this side of Khun Aguero Agnes.

You leaned closer to him as you stand on your tippy toes while he closes his eyes thinking that you were gonna kiss him but instead, you aim for his ear and whispering to him with your melodious voice "I actually had a toothache that's why i've been grumpy for these past few days"

Khun opened his eyes as he looked at you embarrassed by his assumptions and by your actions which make you chuckle in amusement.

"How annoying..." he mumbled avoiding your gaze. But you heard him anyway. You leaned in once again but Khun just look at you this time thinking that maybe you will whisper another thing to him.

You smirked before kissing his neck while you hug him tightly "(y-y/n)" sttutered Khun as he felt your cold lips touching his neck so suddenly, he felt like his heart will jump out at any moments.

"Date me" you said between your kisses while Khun just whispering a quite "Yes" while you smile in his neck as you started to nibble it softly.

Khun covered his mouth as you keep licking and biting his neck more roughly this time.

That was the first time you made Khun Aguero Agnes cosplaying as tomato.

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