Magic || Kingdom AU

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Khun sigh as he watch the rain pouring heavily outside his house, well more like his sister's house that she gave to him.

It's already two years since he lived alone inside a simple house that Khun Mascheny Zahard, one of his half sister gave to him. Well sometimes, she decided to check up on him but lately, she is busy with her duty as one of the Zahard Princess.

Ever since his dad, Khun Eduan knew that he can't use magic he got dispelled instantly from the main house. Luckily that his sister still care for him and took care of him secretly without the other family knowing or he would be a beggar around the kingdom.

It's such a hard life for a child like him to live all by himself. It wasn't his fault that he had a weak body so that he can't use any magic, he also want to be able to use magic.

He even study hard about anything that he can learn beside from magic to cover up his weakness. But still, his family never look at someone who doesn't have magic in their body.

Even when his private teacher call him a genius, it's still useless.

No wonder, most of the people in this kingdom thought magic is the ultimate power and have the strongest authority. His head family, Khun Eduan is the third strongest after the King Zahard himself and Arie Hon, the head of Arie family.

But it's really unfair for someone that doesn't have any magical power like him.

He sigh once again while looking out of the window.

Actually, he planned to went to take a walk inside the forest to collect some herbs because Khun Aguero Agnes is currently studying about traditional medication.

He will just wait until the rain stop then.

He decided to make a cup of warm hot chocolate as he wait for the rain to stop while reading a medical book with a blanket wrapping around his body.

Maybe he will be known as a physician later instead of magician. He smile a little bit at the thought.

Starting from the traditional medication then when he grow up he want to get into a medical university. He just hope that his sister will allow him to do that.

After a few hours, the rain finally stop and the sun shine brightly.

Khun preparing himself before he start searching for the herbs.

He took his backpack and bring a few breads and a bottle of water just in case if he is hungry when he go outside, he also bring his medical books with him.

He go outside his house without caring to lock it because his sister already cast a spell that no one can come inside the house without permission. That's why Khun didn't worry about anything even though at night, the forest is full of dangerous wild animals.

Khun never go outside at night because of his sister warning. But he always look at the beautiful night sky from his window that urge him to go outside.

But, he still value his life.

It's still around 4 pm so he still have a few hours before sunset, he must hurry. At least he hope to get a few herbs that he is searching for.

He walk a little bit far from his house when he finally find one of the herbs that look like exactly the same in his medical book.

He took it carefully and wrapped it with the blank paper that he bring from his house and put it inside his backpack.

Just as he about to stand up and search for the other, he hear a rustle from the bushes near him making him jolt out of surprise.

Perhaps a wild animals? But they never roaming around when the sun still shine like this. What if it's true? What can he do?

Khun A.A x Reader || One-Shots [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now