Secret || AU

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Khun Aguero Agnes, the most wanted boy in Tower High School, one of the best school in the Town.

His amazingly beautiful blue eyes and his soft looking light blue hair can make any girls who look at him fall in love at the first sight.

Tall, handsome, smart, friendly and the adopted son of the principal, he is the type of ideal boyfriend for everyone.

But one thing.

He have a cold heart if it's come to love.

Everytime girls conffesed their love to him, he would reject them instantly without batting his eyes, not caring about their feelings. He already made a plenty of girls crying because of him.

That's why he also known as.


"Aguero oppa!" call a female voice when Khun is just heading towards the school gate along with Bam.

He turn around and look at the girl that is running to his way, he didn't like it if someone he doesn't know calling him by his name like that.

"Oppa, i'm in love with you! Please date me!" say the girl as she try to catch her breath from the running, blushing furiously just the sight of the handsome man who standing so gracefully right in front of her.

Bam look at the girl, smiling awkwardly knowing that his friend that just right beside him will be angry at the junior girl.

Khun take a deep breath, he got a confession almost everyday and most of it he didn't even know who they are.

It's tiring.

"No" he reply sternly, turning away and continuing his steps "And don't call my name like you know me" he spit out, there was no warmth on his voice.

If his voice can change the temperature then it will be freezing now.

"Let's go Bam" he say walking away from the scene while Bam following him behind "You shouldn't be that harsh Khun" Bam already told him for a few times about that but he never care about the girls feeling.

"What if someday you fall in love with a girl then she reject you harshly like you usually do?" Khun sigh in frustration at the brown haired boy more like statement than question "I will never fall in love with human" he state as they heading back to their house.

Bam is the real son of the principal which make him and Khun were adoptive siblings.

"Yeah, yeah let's just see" state Bam as they walked together side by side.

Khun had been living with them since two years ago and Bam's mother instantly signed him to the Tower High School when she knew that Khun is around Bam's age.

And now, they were already in their final year at school.

Arriving at their house, they just playing and studying together until the time for dinner come.

Having a dinner together with their busy mother every night, it's warming Khun's heart just the thought about the family.

After the dinner, Khun always slept early than the other, it's because he have something to do in the middle of the night.

Even though they're been living together for years now, Khun still have one secret that no one know about it.

He like to sneak out from the house in the late of night when everyone were already sleeping.

And like now, he carefully open his window and walk out from the house without no one noticing like always.

He run to wherever he had in mind, using his hoodie to cover a little bit of his face making him a little bit suspicious.

Looking around, he sneak into the big building in front of him.

It's the school.

Walking in the long hallway, he shoved his hands on his pocket calmly.

It's kinda dark there but he look like he already gotten used to it since he know where his steps will take him to.

Taking out the keys that he stole already long time ago from his adoptive mother, he open one of the door, suddenly light erupting his eyes.

That room is so bright, it's the school swimming pool.

He close the door behind him not minding to lock it once again because he know nobody will be around at this hour.

When he make sure that no one around, he sigh in relief taking off his clothes and toss it to the ground revealing his well built body that can make any girls having a nosebleed by looking at it.

He stand on the edge of the pool looking down at the blue water that just right in front of him.

Sighing, he jump to the water feeling the cold fresh sensation hitting his entire body as the water were splashing when he jumped to it.

Khun was glad that the swimming pool was kinda deep so he can dive a little bit as he sway his changing legs that was turn into a beautiful blue ocean like sparkling tail right now.

Khun Aguero Agnes is a mermaid or more exactly a merman because he is a man.

That was his biggest secret that he never let anyone know even his closest one like Bam and his mother.

He swim freely at the pool feeling freshen up after a long hours without jumping into the water like this.

He always did this in the late of night and until dusk before everybody can wake up because he don't know what excuses he will make if they know he is nowhere to be found at that time.

Luckily he never got caught before even after 2 years doing this.

But now, his life will be a mess.

*Coughing* the sudden voice make Khun startled and look at where the voice come from.

"Ah they leave me again" say a female voice as she  walk to the door wanting to leave the place as soon as possible.

Then, she heard a splash from the water and look at it instantly only to caught a glimpse of blue and shrugged it of before turning the door knob.

While Khun on the other hand, didn't expect this kind of situation.

He never thought that there will be someone here in this late of night, he dive deep down instantly before the human girl can look at him.

His heartbeating was too fast that he can hear it on his own, hoping that girl would just leave already as he hide in the corner of the pool.

When he hear the door get closed and her steps were getting farther away, he sigh out of relief knowing that his secret is still safe.

After waiting for a few minutes, he decided swimming to the surface feeling like he want to go early this time as he can feel that his heart still beating fast inside his chest at the moment.

He jump out of the pool sweeping his bangs away with his hand as his tails is slowly turning back into naked legs.

"Well, what should i say about this" Khun turn around only to find the (h/c) girl earlier is still there standing near the door holding her phone, the camera is directing towards his now naked body.

"I found a big secret here" she state smirking evily at him while Khun, frozen in his spot.

Starting that day, his life will be full of certain (h/c) haired human girl.

A/n : i had a dream that I'm reading a book about mermaid today so i got inspired by the dream and decided to make this AU hehehe \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/

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