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I walk into the living room only to find out that (y/n) was sleeping peacefully on Hatz lap while the black haired boy was playing with her (h/c) hair stroking it gently.

This sight make me furious for some reason and i end up stomping to my room slamming the door shut right after me as i feel the anger rising inside me.

Recently, i feel this kind of weird emotion whenever she was around.

Like my heart beating really fast whenever she close to me and i feel that i always want to see her beautiful face everyday.

And now, i got furious just looking that she looks so comfortable around the swordsman boy.

I ruffle my light blue hair in frustration.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" i ask myself not hoping for someone to answer it for me.

It become harder for me to control my emotions around her and it's not really like me that always keep my calm expression no matter what happened.

Just then i heard a knock on my door hearing her voice "Khun" she call my name softly, just hearing her calling my name can make my heart racing in my chest.

Did i wake her up? Since i literally just slammed my door not long ago.

"I'm coming in" she say then i hear the door open as my back facing her "Hey you alright?" she ask softly touching my shoulder which make me tense but after a seconds i'm getting comfortable under her touch.

All of my bad mood were vanishing instantly as i hear her soft voice.

"I heard that you slammed your door earlier it make me wide awake instantly you know" she say as she sit on the edge of my bed looking at me.

I'm glad that she is not with Hatz anymore and choose to check on me instead.

"Hatz laps was so comfortable though" she say as i can feel the anger start to coming back inside of me.

I stand up and walk to the bed as i sit just beside her while she look at me confused by my actions.

I forcefully lay her head on my laps like what she did earlier with Hatz as i run my fingers through her smooth (h/c) hair.

Damn it's really feel comfortable.

Just the thought of Hatz feeling the same things at me when running his hands through (y/n)'s hair make me grunt in annoyance "My laps are more comfortable than his" i state confidently still playing with her hair.

After a few moments, i hear a soft chuckle coming out from her mouth which make me look at her in confusion "Khun, are you perhaps jealous?" she ask between her chuckle.

That's caught me out off my guard as i can feel my body start to heat up from the sudden warm "N-no" i answer her question but i'm avoiding to look directly at her beautiful (e/c) eyes now.

"Ahahahah, Khun you become flustered" she state as she sit up looking at me while i keep avoiding her gaze.

"Oh my god, i never thought that you can act this cute" she say as she force me to look at her then once again she hold back her laugh.

"Oh my, i just can't" she say still trying to hold back her laugh.

I just want to drown on the deep ocean away from this embarrassment moment i feel right now. I can feel my face turning red now.

"Khun" she start, now she look at me seriously.

How can she become a laughing mess the  act so serious so sudden like this?

"You don't have to feel jealous you know" she patted my shoulder softly as she sigh while she shook her head.

It's like she is mocking me.

"I'm not" i keep refusing her words until i can feel her cold lips collided with mine.

There is a spark on my chest as she kissed me, it feels like the butterflies were dancing around happily in my stomach.

I froze at the moment but end up enjoying the kiss as i wrap my arms around her neck as i close my eyes.

All of my sense were on her right now.

The way she kissed my lips and nibble it softly driving me crazy and craving for more.

"(y/n)" i whisper between the kiss as she hummed for a respond that she is hearing me.

I pull out from the kiss, instantly turning away my gaze from her as i cover my red face taking a deep breath "I think i did feel jealous" i admit while she squealed after hearing the words coming out from my lips.

"Don't worry Khun, you're the only man i want" she smirk then she kiss me again more roughly this time.

And it turns out into a make out session while me moaning her name over and over again.

'Damn, it should be the other way around' i thought as i feel so weak under her touch.

A/n : Wow it's already reach 1k+ readers, I'm really happy right now. Thank you for everyone that keep reading my story!! I'm grateful for that, i love all of you ʕ♡˙ᴥ˙♡ʔ

Umm i already published another Khun x reader book. Feel free if you want to read it don't forget to read the A/n first ^^

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