Your Voice

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That's what all you can feel at this moment.

Why did you being here again? You thought that you were already out of this place a long time ago?

You stand up and reach for anything that can guide you out of this darkness that's been haunting you for like forever. It never leave you alone.

Your legs were shaking because of the cold and you had no energy left since you haven't eat anything for a few days.

What is this? You don't want to be back at this place, the place that can make any people who stayed there for a long time gone insane.

How this can be happened? The last time you remembered that you were just sipping the black coffee you just made.

You keep walking ignoring the pain that's all over your body and your shaking legs, hoping that there will be light that keep you sane.

The darkness keep following your steps, it feels like you've gone completely blind but you know you're not.

"Someone, help" your voice echoes all around the place without anyone answering it. You sounds desperate.

You're trapped once again and you don't know the way out of this place.

How you got out from here before? You completely forgot about it.

Suddenly the shrieking noise make you jump out of surprise, your heart beats goes faster. You don't exactly know where this voice came or what is it. The only thing you know that it's sounds so deafening.

Even when you covers your ears with the palm of your hands, you can still the scary noise clearly and it make you scream along "Go away!" you shout feeling the pain on your throat when you force your voice out.

The shriek stop after a few minutes, but the voice still ringing in yourears.

Your whole body is trembling while your legs given up and make you sit on the cold hard ground.

"(y/n)!" you heard a voice that you know so well which make you uncovering your ears and try to listen it carefully, there is a hope in your heart.

"(y/n)!" you heard it once again, the voice become much more clear than before. You force your shaking legs to stand up once again.

"Yah (y/n)! Wake up!" suddenly you open your eyes revealing your (e/c) eyes. The sudden lights were blinding your vision as you block it with your arms. You can feel your racing heart start to calm down after a few seconds.

When you feel you're ready to face the lights, you uncover your eyes and sit up facing the ligh blue haired man that was looking at you with his beautiful blue ocean eyes.

You sigh in relief when you see the man in front of you, you smile at him which make him a little bit confused.

You just glad that was just a dream.

"Hey are you okay?" he asked you the moment he saw you smiled at him just after you woke up. It's not usual, usually you would just cursing at him for waking you up from your beauty sleep.

You sit up and streched your arms while yawning, so unlady like "Never felt better" you said truthfully. You feel so much better just by looking at his handsome face.

Khun sigh, deciding to trust your words. Maybe you just in a good mood today.

"The breakfast is ready, take a bath then eat. After that we were going to take the next test" he said as he started to stand up, want to leave the room so you can have your own time to get ready.

Just as he about to turn the knob on your door to open it, you run after him and hug him from behind which caught him out of his guard. He didn't expected it.

You wrapped your arms tightly around his waist as you snuggled your face on his back since you're not tall enough to reach his shoulder.

His fresh mint scent that you like so much just made you instantly forget about the past that haunted you every night. You take a deep inhale of his scent as you smile on his back.

"Are you really okay?" he asked once again as he feel more relaxed by your sudden back hug, there is worry in his tone.

He turn to face you and look at you who just smile sweetly at him as you continue to hug him from the front this time "Yeah, as long as you're with me" you can feel his arms wrapped around your body as you can hear his heartbeats getting faster.

"You're so cheesy" Khun smile with the little blush on his pale face as he held you securely in his arms. You chuckle at his response "Just stay like this for a while"  you mumble on his chest as your smile turned into a sad one.

"Sure" Khun replied as he play with your (h/c) (h/l) hair, it's really rare for you to hug him first so he will cherish the moment. He know that there is something in your mind but he don't want to pry and force you to tell him.

He believe that you will tell him everything once you're ready.

"I'm so glad that i'd be able to hear your voice" you said while you closing your eyes.

"I know that my voice is so sexy" you punch him playfully on the chest when you heard his sentence.

"You arrogant bastard"

"But you love me"

"I do"

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