Noona || Kingdom AU

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"Where is noona?!" shout a young boy while crying his heart out making the maids panick and keep trying to calm him down "I'm sorry young master, but the lady still have work to do" explain one of the maid making the boy crying much more.

"What about cake? Let's just eat your favorite cake while waiting for the lady to finish her work?" suggest one of them hoping that it will calm the young boy down remembering that he really love his cheesecake. He stop crying for awhile looking like he thought about it before end up crying once more "I want noona!" he state continuing his crying.

It's already half an hour since this boy acting like this just because he didn't see his beloved noona right after he wake up thinking that he just got left behind once again. Just the thought of him back to the old place he lived, make the light blue haired boy trembling in fear.

It's been like months since he live inside this palace after the lady take him with her and claim him as her own little brother. And since then, he have a good life here feeling so happy with her treatment.

It's very different comparing to the place he lived before since all they did to him was just torturing even though he is just like 5 almost 6 years old kid.

"What's the commotion about?" ask a feminine voice out of sudden as she walk towards them rubbing her temples. The boy's eyes light up just the sight of her and he stop crying instantly beaming at the (h/c) haired lady "Noona!" he shout running to her.

She look at the kid that just running in her way smiling brightly. But being the clumsy kid he is, he almost fall to the ground and luckily she caught him in time "Don't run, you might hurt if I'm not here" she state while picking him up and the boy instantly wrapping his tiny arms around her neck "Noona!" he say ignoring her words while the maids that taking care of him earlier bowing politely at the owner of the palace.

"It's alright, raise your head" she state and all of them obeying the lady instantly "What's happen?" ask the lady as she walk to them with the boy still in her arms. One of the maid explaining the situation which make the lady take a deep breath.

This boy is really clingy.

"Aguero" she call out the boy's name and he look up at her. His beautiful blue eyes are red and puffy from the long crying before, there was stain of tears on both of his chubby cheeks. But he still manage to smile at her "Yes, noona" he say with his so cute voice making the lady's heart melt instantly at his cuteness.

"Um... don't do something like that it might cause trouble for the maids that taking care of you" she say half sternly scolding the boy named Aguero "Understand?" she ask and Aguero nod his head eagerly even though he doesn't really like the idea "Go back to whatever you do, I will take him with me" say the lady gesturing the maids to leave them.

She walk away heading back to her office room that's not too far from there. She stop writing the report paper as she can heard Aguero bawling earlier since it's loud enough for her sensitive ears even though she tried to ignore it and focusing on her works before.

"You stay here alright?" she command placing him on the big couch inside the room as she walk back to her works and continue to write whatever she need to report to the king.

Aguero jump out from the couch and walk to his noona that's already focusing on her paperwork, he suddenly feel really guilty for disturbing and distracting her from the works and holding her from finishing it as soon as possible.

It's just that he can't calm down whenever she is out of his sight and made him think that she will leave him behind. Just the thought of it making his tiny little heart aches as he can feel that another tears start to drip from his eyes.

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