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Khun look at his monitor, he tried to gain the information about the hell express before he ride it himself and his friends.

But there is nothing he gain from his light house since the only one way to know about the inside of hell train is just an opera, that can see through anything inside this tower.

Then he remembered about the (h/c) hair girl that take the same test as him before as the light bearer. She passed the test amazingly and the rankers gave her an opera for the gift which she gladly accepted.

Maybe it's much better to ask for that girl help instead the Princess Rephelista Zahard.

Khun dialing Shibisu want to ask if he have that girl contact.

"Hello? What's up?"

"Did you remember the (h/c) hair girl that in the same group as you before?" he asked straight to the point.

"(y/n)? I do have her contact"

"Send it to me, i have something to discuss with her" then he end the call right after he said his request.

Not long after that, Shibisu finally give him the contact.

He send the message from his light house as soon as he get the contact.

He need the information as soon as possible.

I'm Khun Aguero Agnes, i need your help. I will give you something in return

That's what the message he sent to her, he wish that she respond his message quickly.

He tap his fingers on the table impatiently waiting for the girl answer.

A minutes passed still nothing from her.

An hour passed, there is no sign that she answer his message.

Khun start to lose his hope as he try harder to search the information by himself.

After a few hours, he receive a message hoping it's from the girl. He open it as quickly as it arrive and cheering inside as he read the message

Sure, just tell me when and where we will meet.

Khun gladly reply her message quickly telling her where and when should they meet. It seems that he was waiting for her message.

Well, it's true anyway.

This time, the girl answer him right after he send the message to her telling her they will meet tonight.

Alright, see you later

Khun sigh in relief as he read the message, he preparing himself to meet with the (h/c) hair girl tonight.

He take the most expensive jewelry he had with him for her payment, no one can't resist this even Dann.

But this time, Khun didn't want to trap the girl like what was he do to Dann months ago.

After a few hours, he goes to the place where he supposed to meet this (h/c) hair girl, he wait impatiently as he look around searching for the her figures.

'She is late' he thought in his head. Or was he earlier than he thought?

"Boo" said someone so suddenly behind his back making him startled even though he can keep his calm and cool expression.

The girl laugh at him after and sit right in front of him. It's like she pop out of nowhere since usually Khun will be able to sense someone near him, but she doesn't made any sounds at all.

"(y/n)" he state recognizing the girl's face, they were took the same test anyway.

(y/n) nod at him as she show him her usual smirk.

At first, Khun didn't really like her at all. She act so cocky and cunning, but then he remembered that he  act just the same with her.

But she already in a whole different level from him.

"I know what do you need" she state like she was reading his mind "What can you give me in return?" she continue.

Oh, Khun wish that he can wipe that smirk out of her beautiful face.

Khun show her the jewelry that he brought with him before "Is it enough?" (y/n) take the jewelry and observe it carefully "It's a valuable stone that everyone want" he continued as he actually urge her to just deal with him.

(y/n) put back the jewelry on the table as she look at Khun directly in the eyes "Hmm what should i say..." she started, act like she still thinking about that even though Khun know that she already has the answer in her mind the minute she agreed to meet him.

Without him noticing, Khun get a little bit nervous under her stare.

"Yes or yes?" he smirked as he urge her to just deal with it.

(y/n) laugh hearing his words, this boy is persistent and impatient "But it's not enough for me" she said as she stand up and start to walk away.

Khun ruffled his hair as he watch the girl that start to walk away. He run after her and grab her wrist making her turn around to face him once again  "Wait" Khun take a deep breath as he think what should he offer next.

"I will give you anything you want" Khun was surprised by his own words, he never used that words before.

Her (e/c) eyes glint in excitement as she look at him "Anything?" she repeat his words making sure what she heard was right.

Khun just nod his head, he can't fool this girl.

"You" she state and Khun look at her confused as why she suddenly point her finger at him.

"Huh?" (y/n) keep her finger that still pointing at his direction the smirk still plastered on her beautiful face.

"I want you"

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