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Once the bell rang, I got up from my seat and headed towards the door. Once I got out three girls were standing in front of me.

"I didn't know you were Leo's sister," The girl in the front smiled at me.

She looked like she was a Victoria Secret Model. All of the girls did. She had caramel skin and long wavy light-brown hair.

"Yea....." I said in a monotone voice.

"You said that your last school was in Brooklyn Heights right?"


I had grown bored with this conversation.

"How come Leo goes here and you went there?"

"I lived with my mom and went to school there."

"But Leo's mom lives here." the second girl added.

This is too much for me right now. I don't have time to explain the dynamics of our family.

"Yes, Leo's mom does live here" I repeated.

"Oh," the third girl said. She seemed to understand where I was getting at.

The third girl was beautiful she looked like she had a classy feel to her. She was giving me Breakfast at Tiffany's vibes.

" I got to go. I don't wanna be late on my first day, but It was nice talking to you guys," I lied.

"Same here," the girl in the front said.

I wasted no time leaving. I zoomed outta there and headed straight down the hall. Once I got to the door I looked at my schedule to make sure it was the right room number-128. I walked into the class and people were already in their seats. I stood unsure of where to sit until a woman came up to me.

" Amiyah right?" she asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Hi!, I'm Ms. Brown, welcome to World Literature.


"You sit up front next to Taylor over there" She gestured to a dark-skinned girl with 4c hair.


I walked over and sat in the empty seat beside her.

"I'm so sorry," she said.


"That Leo is your stepbrother." she chuckled.

"And that they made you go to this school" she added.

I smiled for the first time today. A person who didn't ask me plenty of questions. Taylor reminded me of the girls from the Heights.

"Wow! word gets around fast huh?"

"Oh yeah," she nodded.

"Leo is not bad. He's been helpful this whole time." I smiled.

"That's a first." She smiled back.

I could tell that she and Leo go way back. I wanted to know what type of history they had.

"How long have you guys known each other?" I asked.

"I've known him since the 7th grade"


"Yea, he was so scrawny and tall " She chuckled.

"I KNOW! like he was built like a twig"

"Built like Dr. Doofenshmirtz"

"Built like Mr. Crocker"

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