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"I didn't know you were coming to the game tonight" he smiled.

"Yea.. I decided to go last minute"

Mena turned her head around to see who I was talking to. She leaned towards Evan and opened her arms.

"Evan!" She squealed.

"Someone wants you to hold them" I said.

"Wassup kid?" He leaned forward and slowly took her from my hands.

"I'm gonna get some snacks!"

"Oh cool. I'll go with you" He said as held Mena close.

I nodded my head and started walking to the concession stand. Once I got there I saw Noelle and Taylor at the entrance.

"Taylor! Noelle!" I yelled.

They saw me and started walking toward the concession stand.

"Hey Miyah, girl you look good" Noelle said looking at me up and down

"Yeah, who you tryna pop out for?" Taylor asked.

"Girl nobody, I'm just here to enjoy the game" I smiled.

"Sis the game is in there, you out here looking for scooby snacks" Noelle chuckled.

Taylor and I both started laughing.

"Where's Leo? You said he was here." Taylor asked.

"Yea, he's here somewhere" I started looking around

I noticed that Evan and Mena weren't behind me. I pulled out my phone and started texting Leo. Before I could even send the message I saw Evan and Mena walking with Leo.

"He's over there!" I blurted while pointing at the entrance.

"Oh cool, I need to talk to him" Taylor said sternly.


"She wants Leo to put her on with JT" Noelle blurted.

"Taylor for real?"

Taylor nodded her head.

"Oh look here he comes!" Taylor turned her back around that way she was facing Leo.

"Heyyyy Leo"

"Tay. What do you want?"

"I was wondering if we could talk  in private? Cause I gotta ask you something" Taylor whispered.


Leo and Taylor walked over by the boys locker room and started talking.

"What do you think he'll say?" Noelle whispered.

"I don't know. I feel like he might do it." I whispered back

Noelle and I looked near the boys locker room to see what was going on. By the time we did a second double take Leo was gone.

"Wait. Where Leo go?"

"Yeah, he was just there" Noelle looked around.

Taylor started walking towards us with a blank face. When she finally got closer we bombarded her with questions.

"What happened?" I asked

"What the hell did you say to that boy?" Noelle asked.

Taylor chuckled at the questions we asked her.

"Damn, can I breathe?

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