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"I stayed up until 1 writing that paper" Taylor scoffed.

"That's whatcha lazy ass gets for procrastinating" Noelle laughed.

Leo walked into the room with Evan and Eric.

"Thanks for the APUSH notes" Taylor looked at Leo.

"Yeah. No problem" he said quietly.

"So what y'all doing after school? Y'all trying to go hang out?" Taylor looked at the boys.

" I got an appointment after school," Eric said.

"I've been taking shifts at Walmart right after school. Sorry" Evan chimed in.

"What about you Leo?" Taylor asked.

"Uhh... I got something going on after school" he gave her a strained smile.

"Like what?" I chuckled.

"Yeah. Like what?" Taylor asked again.

"Stuff." He said bluntly.

Ms.Pixly walked back into the classroom and all of us continued taking notes.

Soon after the bell finally rung.

I made sure my ass get out as soon as I can. I had late lunch and I was not gonna let these greedy ass kids finish all the damn food.

As I was leaving I heard Evan call out my name.

"Damn Amiyah. You in a hurry huh?" He panted.

"Sorry. I got late lunch today and I didn't eat breakfast." I chuckled.

"Ah okay. Well I was thinking about our first date."

"Oh really? And when is that?" I smirked.

"This Friday."

"What we doing?"

"That I can't tell you. It's top secret." He smiled.

"Oh. Please don't tell me this date is gonna be at McDonald's cause if so I think your secret's been revealed."

"McDonald's is a great place for date. What are you talking about? They got slides and everything." He laughed.

"Yeah no. I've has my fair share of slides at McDonald's"

"Don't worry. It's not gonna be at McDonald's"

"Good." I shook my head.

Honestly, I'm excited for our date on Friday. I don't give a fuck where we go at this point I just wanna get out of the house.

"Okay I'll talk to you later"



After lunch I got a call from Taylor.

"Hey what's up Taylor."

"Get cha brotha." She said fast

"Why what he do?" I laughed.

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