Time To Go

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I apologize in advance for any mistakes, feel free to correct me or point them out. I am open for suggestions.


   America always hated being pampered. He hated being treated as though he was a child. He hated that people didn't trust him to be responsible, while he knew that he was. So what if he joked around and wasn't some serious, stone faced robot?

   America had 5 other family members, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France and Great Britain. He loved his siblings and his mom, France, but his dad was far too controlling for his wild personality. America was 21, Canada was 18, Australia 17, and New Zealand 15.

   America didn't like his father, and pranked him at any chance he got. One time he stuck Kool-Aid powder in the pipes in his dad's shower. It dyed Great Britain red, right before a big world meeting that Britain couldn't miss. Britain was furious and America couldn't leave the house for a month, unless it was for a meeting. America thought it was worth it, and almost died of laughter when his father screamed America's name like he had seen a  bloody murder. He came out of the bathroom, his face redder than the rest of his dyed body. America seriously thought that he was going to laugh his lungs out, and felt the pain in his chest for the rest of the day. It looked hilarious with Britain's always formal attire and golden monocle .

   America didn't know why he felt he should go, but he knew that he would prefer starting off by himself and get a taste of pure independence. America wanted to be free from his controlled lifestyle and leave his always hovering father and just be himself. He wanted to live without his father, and earn almost every thing himself. America wanted to tell his brothers and sister, but he didn't know how they would respond. America decided to confide in Canada, who he knew would always know what to say and do. Maybe Canada would think it was a good idea and help America out.

"Are you freaking crazy?!" 

America was wrong. 

"you could get killed! Imagine if dad knew! don't you know what he would think?" Canada whisper yells, crossing his arms and pacing while keeping his eyes on America, a disapproving look plastered on his face. America scoffs,

"You say that as though I care what dad would think" America says, rolling his eyes under his sunglasses, "I'm 21! I am not going to get killed. I can take care of myself." 

   Canada huffs, and stops pacing, staring right at America in silence for just a minute, considering the idea. He then shakes his head in disbelief and looks up at the ceiling.

"I wont tell anyone, but I'm not coming." Canada says and looks down, a sad look on his face, "I'm sorry, but I don't want to leave our family" America sighs, and tries to smile,

"Okay, that's fair." America says, and puts a hand on his taller brother's shoulder. Canada puts his hand on America's,

"When are you going?" Canada asks, both of them taking their hands off of each other's shoulder,

"Probably tomorrow," America says, diverting his gaze from Canada, "I will visit after I get settled probably" Canada nods and pulls the unsuspecting America into an embrace. America stands there for a second, but then tightly wraps him arms around his younger brother. America tries, unsuccessfully, to hold back his tears. A tear forming at the corner of his eye falls and slips down his cheek. America wipes his eyes and continues hugging Canada. America would miss his brother.

"I'll miss you, Ame" Canada says, his voice choked. An unignorable lump forms in America's throat, 

"I'll miss you too, bro" America smiles and the two step away. America reaches up and rubs the top of his brother's raccoon hat, enough so it moves and will mess Canada's hair up. America smirks. Canada groans and takes his hat off, revealing a serious case of hat hair. America laughs, and Canada hits his brother, swinging his hat by it's tail. The brothers are both laughing as they leave Canada's room, where they were talking. America waves to his brother, wearing a sad smile. 

   America goes into his own room, a backpack on his bed. He searches the backpack for the third time, just to make sure he has everything. America empties the contents and puts them into the backpack, making sure he has everything with a checklist. Collapsible tent. America makes a check mark. Flashlight and batteries, yup. Rope, uh huh. Rations to last a week, you bet. Lighter, but of course. Emergency oil, how could he forget? If-all-else-fails $50, just in case! Water bottle, must stay hydrated. Swiss army knife, duh. Phone and a portable power generator to charge it, he's running away, but he's not a barbarian! Sleeping bag, check! Pistols and extra ammo,  check and check!

   America is satisfied and he jumps onto his bed. He must get rest for the big day ahead of him. His parents were going to be bringing his two youngest siblings to his aunt, Spain's, house. He would leave when they were there. 


Sorry it wasn't super long, they will be longer in the future probably.

word count: 897

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