Lost and Found

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I climb out of the river behind Russia, both of us soaking wet. We had been splashing around for like 20 minutes then we decided we should take down the campsite.

Russia said he would let me live with him and his siblings until I collected enough money to get myself a place to live, and I am very grateful for that.

I take down the tent and put everything in the big bags I had left here o rbrought.

I wonder if there was a way I could bring the plants too. Probably not. I bend down and gently pinch one of the carrot leaves in between my fingers.

"You will probably make a bunny very lucky, dear plants." I brush my hand along all the plants and stand up, "Farewell"

"That goodbye very heart-wrenching." Russia says sarcastically. "Brought tear to my eye"

I smile and push him, "Whatever" 

I pick up the bag and Russia grabs everything else we might have left behind, then we make our way back to his house. Grace flies above and Russia and I walk beside each other.

"What time is it?" I ask

"Don't know. 7 maybe" I nod and we keep walking. I brush bits of dripping wet hair off my forehead and look ahead at some of the trees.

"Hold up!" I say and run over to a tree then set my stuff carefully down. I pull out my knife and quickly carve something into the wood. I take a step back and look at my work. Russia looks over my shoulder at it too

'AmnerIca amd Rassla wore N0T hene'

"What is that supposed to say?" Russia asks, squinting at the tree. I sigh,

"It's supposed to say America and Russia were NOT here. But I will admit, writing on wood is not my strong suit." I say, and pick my stuff up in defeat

"Oh, now I see it. Yeah, you should not carve in wood for job. Or fun. Or ever."

"Gee, thanks" I say and Russia smiles.

"Just saying" Russia shrugs.

We continue to walk, joking around and enjoying the area. My eyes keep wandering to his, just wanting to see them. It was comforting in a way. It had been a fun morning so far.

I look ahead as we near Russia's house. I see a black car pull into the driveway when we get to the line of trees.

We continue to walk towards the car, Russia looking awfully confused. 

"Were you expecting someone, Russ?" I ask him, equally, if not more, confused.

"Hет. We almost never have company." He says as we make it almost to the house.

The drivers car door opens and someone comes out and opens a backseat door. A blue head in a top hat emerges and the door shuts behind a man no other than Great Britain himself. I stop in my tracks and stare at him, mouth agape.

"Hello, America."

Russia looks at me. "You know him?"

I don't say anything back. I don't know how to respond. He found me. How?! Why? 

"He found me" I whisper under my breath. I drop all the things in my hands. Great Britain starts walking toward me. He found me. This isn't real. This wasn't supposed to happen. 

Before Britain gets to me, I book it. I turn around and run, back into the forest. I can hear Great Britain yelling after me to go back and Russia calling my name. I ignore them. I run as fast as I can, hopping over roots and branches. 

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