Probably a Not Creepy Text

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(Russia's POV) 

Grace lands on my shoulder as I walk inside. She's heavy, but I don't care. I have bigger fish to fry. Although I've never seen a fish that's bigger than the 20 pound eagle. Nor would I ever fry her. Maybe I would if I had no other choice. No. That would make America sad. I wouldn't ever be the cause of his sadness. 

I walk over to the kitchen where Ukraine is, sitting on a chair with her feet propped up on the counter. Grace hops off my shoulder and noisily lands on the counter, startling Ukraine. Grace glares at her and squawks. Ukraine throws her hands up defensively. 

I walk over to a cabinet and pull out a bottle of vodka. Ukraine looks around.

"Where's Ame?" She asks, confusion clear on her face. I open up the bottle and grunt.

"Gone." I take a long drink of vodka and wince a little. Ukraine only looks more confused.

"Like, dead?" her voice is high and she turns pale. I chortle sadly.

"Not yet. His dad came. Got him." I reply in Russian before taking another sip. 

Ukraine is silent for a second before simply saying "Oh." 

After a while I finish off the bottle of vodka and have tell everyone else the news. Grace every now and then protectively looks around for America then follows that up with a series of confused (and loud. Very loud), laugh like squawks.

My siblings surround the dining table, all looking at me nervously, like any second I will break. But really I feel the same as I did before he was here. But this time I'm filled with a burning determination to get him back.

I walk past them and to my room. I notice them eyeing each other anxiously before I leave. I walk into my room and sit on my bed, leaning forward. I pull my phone out and open it up. I look at the missed call I made from his phone. I want to press the little green call back button so badly, just to hear his voice again. But would Great Britain find out when I called him? 

After a long moment of debate I decide to text him. I need to plan this out so I don't sound creepy.

'It is Russia. I got your phone number.' nope. That's creepy. Why do I even care?

After writing a few more creepy texts, I find one that is probably not creepy.

'It is Russia. I used your phone and got phone number. I am going to get you out.'

(America's POV) 

After Canada properly introduced me to Perry the Platypus, we played with him, and Aussie showed us how Perry could stand up on his back two legs and flip levers with his bill. I was filled with both pride and terror. Platypuses should not be able to do that, but he looked so cute in the small fedora. 

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pat Perry once more before pulling it out. I check the message and it's from an unknown number. I am tempted to ignore it, but curiosity takes over me.

'It is Russia. I used your phone and got phone number. I am going to get you out.'

I smile. Wider than than I have the whole time I've been here. My eyes water with happiness just thinking about that. About him swooping in and saving me. Chances are he won't do it on a beautiful white horse but still, I feel like a princess in a Disney movie, locked up in a tower. waiting for my prince to come. But this movie had more platypus and tea in it. God, I hate tea. I wipe my eyes on my arm and try to figure out what to respond.

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