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I wake up at 5:23 am to my back stinging with pain. It's not as bad as the last few days, but it still is noticeable. Although it is nothing compared to my pounding headache.

I groan in pain and hold my hand up to my head, in hopes that it might help. It doesn't. I stand up and walk to the dark-ish kitchen to find a not-so-good-looking Belarus. Her hair is askew, her flower crown drooping over her left eye, and she has a scarf carelessly thrown over her shoulder. She takes a drink of water and pops a few aspirin into her mouth.

"Hi" I say tiredly and walk over to her. She grunts in response and hands me a cup and the bottle of aspirin. I fill the cup with water and take the pills with the water. "Thanks" I mutter to her and she nods a you're welcome.

Belarus lies her head on the table and groans. I want to do the same, as my head feels like it's going to burst at any given moment. But instead I drink the rest of my glass of water and stare blankly at the doorway. 

Grace climbs flying through the door, sees me, and rockets into my chest. I reflexively move my arm under her and she climbs up to my shoulder and squawks happily. I try not to throw up due to her impact and shoot a glare at her. She ignores it and squawks again loudly, shooting more pain through my brain. 

Belarus groans and turns her head to look at Grace. Grace stares at Belarus, her head cocked to the side in confusion. Belarus smiles tiredly and moves so her forehead is placed on the counter. 

I reach up and scratch Grace's head before filling the glass of water back up and setting it on the counter. Grace climbs down my arm and reaches her head into the glass and drinks some of the water. I smile at her and close my eyes, hoping the throbbing pain will leave my head. Once again, it does nothing but make everything darker than it already was. 

I open my eyes and look at the window. The sun was starting to rise. I sigh and pat Grace on the head, who glares at me and goes back to drinking her water, still staring at me. I laugh, which hurts my head more and I rest my elbows on the counter, my hands holding up my head. 

On top of my head hurting like heck, I'm super bored. I look out the window again at the rising sun and hiss as the light burns my eyes.

I pat Grace once more and look at the time. It read 5:42. Late enough for me.

I walk down the dark hallway to Russia's room. I knock on the door and hear nothing. 

"Russiiiiaaaaaaa" I say in a singsong voice and wait for a response. I don't get one. I knock a few times more and hear nothing once again. As any sane person would do, I barge into his room. 

"Russia! Russia Russia Russia Russia!!!" I say and pull the covers off of Russia, who groans. My headache was ebbing away and I felt a little better. Good enough to wake Russia up. Russia grumbles and reaches for the covers, before I pull them further away.

"Russia, wake uuuuuupp" I groan and flop over him. This wakes him up.

Russia quickly sits up, causing me to roll off of him. He then pushes me off of the bed and stands up.

 I land on the floor with a thud and shriek in surprise as a sharp pain shoots through my body, originating from the scratches on my back, which I just landed on. It will probably be a while for them to heal, as I repeatedly open them back up. 

Russia mutters in Russian, and turns to me, his previously blushing face returning to it's natural colors.

I try to roll onto my side, but I quickly find out that rolling hurts more, so I stay where I am. 

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