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(America's POV)

A while after Russia asks me when we will escape, he texts me that we're leaving in two days. Two days left in this hell hole. But two days left with my siblings. 

After Russia texted me, I told my siblings. They seemed sad, but they were happy for me, and they were happy I told them. Now we're watching an old movie on the couch in the living room. Dad is in his study, like always.

"What if the funky man with the fake moustache just like, straight up ripped his moustache off and gave it to top hat man as payment." Canada says out of absolutely nowhere about the movie.

New Zealand snorts. "That would be hilarious, but I reckon that moustache man will just splash top hat with the bucket of water and steal back the case."

"Nah, moustache will reach for the case and then top hat will sic his dog on him." I say and pause the movie.

"Five bucks that Ol' Mousse will slap T-Hat with the case and leave with it." Aussie says, and New Zealand grins.

"You're on." she says.

"Count me in!" I hop in,

"I'm out." Canada says, as the responsible person he is. I resume the movie and all four of us watch closely.

The moustache man (or Ol' Mousse) reaches for the case and the top hat man (aka T-Hat)'s dog growls at Ol' Mousse. I think quickly back to the snarling wolves and shiver at the frightening memory. I shift uncomfortably and grab my shoulder, which aches with the memory.

Ol' Mousse grabs the case and smacks the dog with it, yelling, "bad dog!" He then runs out the door. 

"Soooooo who wins? The dog growled, and Ye Ol' Moussey smacked it with the case," New Zealand says, "So it's Aussie or Ame." 

"I win!" I say and hold out my hand to Aussie for money, pushing aside the bad memory. He rolls his eyes and slaps my hand away,

"No, I win. Give it 'ere," he says and holds his hand out to New Zealand. 

"None of you win, and you all give me 5 dollars!" Canada says, smirking.

"I'll just give you both 2.50, deal?" New Zealand offers,


"Yeah, fair enough."

"What about me?" Canada asks, wearing a hurt face.

"You didn't bet!" New Zealand grins, 

"But I want money!" Canada says, snickering.

"Well get a job, then!" New Zealand says and Aussie and I snicker. 

"That's too much work! My own sister doesn't love me?" Canada says, trying not to smile. Kiwi reaches into her pocket and Canada excitedly holds out his hand. She places a penny in the palm of his hand. She smirks and Canada chuckles and stuffs the coin into his pocket.

"Thank you, kind sister." He says, with a small bow.

"You are very welcome, dear brother," She grins. I unpause the movie and all our attention is back on it.

I'll miss these moments again, but if I stayed I'd miss the moments with Russia. I smile thinking about them, and I feel warm inside. He's going to come get me. Two days. 

I search around my area of the couch with my hand for my phone, to check the time. But I don't find it. Where is it? I look around for it on the floor, and after a quick search I give up. 

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