Fishing out memories

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This is what a bald eagle sounds like, I did research and it said it was like a giggling sound, so that is what I used. I can kind of see it, but this is just a reference, and you can watch it if you want to really get an idea or visual of what Grace sounds like.


   I wake up to an annoyingly loud and high pitched squawk, and wake up to find Grace, screeching at me by my shoulder. I look at her and groan.

"Are you tryna wake me up?" I say and chuckle weakly. Grace looks at me, makes a high pitched squawking sound, like the giggling kind of sound from the day before, but only once. I cover my ears at the obnoxious noise. Grace seems to ignore my avoidance to hearing her and squawks once more to release me from my half-asleep state. 

"Alright, Alright." I say and sit up, rubbing out the rest of the little sleep in my eyes. I go to pet Grace, but she squawks again and leans back, puffing out her chest. I laugh at the fact that she reminds me of myself with her independence. I wrap a sweatshirt around my arm, as I did to bring her here, to protect my arm from her ruthless talons. I hold my arm out for her to climb on to it. She does and I try to keep my arm up. She must've weighed at least 20 Ibs (9.07 kgs in metric I think), so I had to use my other arm to support it. There was a reason I never worked out in the morning. The sleep got to my muscles and I felt 5 times weaker. I would probably be able to hold her comfortably a little later.

   I leave the tent and see that the sun is only just rising. I groan and roll my eyes at Grace, and she glowers back at me. I smile and bring her to her perch. Grace steps onto the branch and watches me as I get her some more bread. A week worth of rations has quickly becomes a few days worth. I feed Grace with the metal container again and pull my phone out to give my siblings an update. I find I had a few missed messages and calls from Canada and Kiwi. The messages were simply asking me if I was okay. I spin around and take a picture of Grace. When Grace hears the sound of the camera shutter, she looks up at me and scowls. I smirk and look at the picture, which is surprisingly a good picture. I smile and send the picture to New Zealand and send, 'so I made a new friend'. I send the same thing to Canada and mom. I send the picture to Aussie but write, 'I am now one with the animals and the natures too'. 

   I look over at my rations and frown. I'm not going to lie, I was already sick of bread on day three. But never fear, I know what to do.

"Bless your soul, Canada." I mutter. I grab my MP3 player and fishing pole and I find some worms in the ground. I hook a worm onto the pole and cast my line into the river, hoping that there are fish in this river. I take off my combat boots, dip my toes into the river, and feel the cool breeze that evens out the warm weather of this year's spring. After a half hour or so of waiting and listening to music, I feel a tug at the line and excitedly pull a small trout out of the water. I frown at the size, but I stand up and bring it back into camp anyway. I see that Grace is preening her feathers and is done with her bread. I take the metal container, that is far too big to just be used for bread, and I put the fish in it. After that, I go back to the river and continue to fish until I get a fairly big fish and bring it back. I look away from the fish as I slam it mercifully against a rock, then I put it in the pot. I give Grace the raw, small trout and cook the other fish, looking up how to cook and prepare a raw fish. As I cook the fish, I look over at Grace, who is happily and not-so graciously gobbling up her fish. I laugh and look back down at my cooking fish.

I am glad to have been able to have an actual meal, and I even got to have a conversation with Canada and New Zealand on the phone. So far the day was going great. The weather was nice, my mood was nice, I got to talk on the phone with my siblings. It was an ideal day. I suddenly remember the last time I had a similar day to this. It was when I went fishing with my siblings. I close my eyes, smiling and sigh. I try to bring the memory back.

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