Not Today

665 21 82

(Russia's POV)

"You're thinking too much," Ukraine tells me,

"No. Am not. I am thinking just right amount. If we are getting America out, it needs to be big enough for Great Britain to leave him alone entirely." I retort,

"Um, I don't think kicking the door down with a wild brown bear at the ready in order to attack Great Britain's 'secret army' is just the right amount." Ukraine says, crossing her arms.

"Well-" I start,

"One more thing, where the hell do you expect to get an emergency bazooka on such short notice?" Ukraine cuts off. 

I stay silent. Maybe I was overestimating the amount of people Great Britain have, just a little. I just want revenge. And frankly enough... I want America.

"Okay, fine." I groan and crumple up the paper I was writing on. Ukraine sighs and grabs her own piece of paper. 

"Where does he live?" She asks. I grab my phone and text America. He responds within a minute. 

 I read aloud the address and Ukraine copies it down.

"Okay. So that's about an hour drive. Good to know." Ukraine writes the time estimate then puts her pen down, and takes a sip of water.

"Is- is that all you are writing?" I ask, confused.

"Russia. You overthought it by a lot. We drive over, slow down in front, he runs out as fast as he can, gets in, we drive away. Easy." She says. I grunt and play it over in my head. Perhaps the simple plan will work.

"But he knows where we live. And last time he got America to go. How do you know he won't convince him again?" I say and Ukraine thinks for a moment. 

"Okay, what if you went back to America's old campsite and re-set it up?" Ukraine smiles, "As for the second thing, America will stay. He likes you." I blush a little at this and quickly turn away.

"Yeah, okay. I will ask him." I say. Ukraine leaves the room and comes back shortly after. She hands me a metal baseball bat.

"When you go, bring this. Not enough to kill someone, depending on hard you hit, but it does the trick." I take the bat. 

"Thank you. Also, where did you get bat? You don't play baseball." I ask, confused. Ukraine shrugs.

"I have all sorts of things." She says and walks out. I set the bat aside. Would this really work? Would Great Britain leave us alone?

'Do you really care?' my dad's voice chips in. I place my hand on my head to get the memory of his stupid voice out. Nope. Not today, father. I pour myself a shot of vodka and drink it before heading to my room. I put the bat in the corner of the room and text America,

'when are you free for the escape?'

I ask, wanting to get an idea of when I should be ready by.

He texts back after a few minutes.

'I'll be free whenever you pick me up lol. Whenever is fine. Just tell me when's good for you, so I can tell my siblings. What is the plan for after?' 

'We go back to where you stayed. I pull up, you get in, we get out. When your папа stops looking for us, we can go back to my house, or wherever.'

I text back. I grin, thinking about how this morning could be everyday with America. This morning felt like forever ago. It's only been a few days since I found America in the trees, but it feels like I've known him forever. 

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