The Outdoor Cinema

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After all the confusion and the long day that the girls had gone through, Santana and Brittany decided to go get a drink at the bar. Originally Chloe was going to go with them but Britt point out subtlety that she should probably go rest after the prior events. As they say there sipping away and their virgin passion fruit mojitos one of the staff came up to them and started a general conversation. "So, we set up an outdoor cinema for some guests tonight but they just let us know that they're not feeling too good and want to stay in tonight so we have a spare slot for ten outdoor's yours if you want it?" asked the man politely. "Completely free of charge, otherwise we'd be wasting all the materials and stuff" he added. The girls looked at eachother and shared a look of joy. They both squealed and smiled which answered the man completely. "I'll bring you over the list of films you can chose from" finally said the man. "Oh my gosh this is gonna be so fun!" squeaked the blonde while her best friend just looked at her in admiration. A few minutes later the man came back with a big list of films for them to choose from. "Okay but we have to watch Finding Nemo!" explained Britt. "I mean if you want to that is" she quickly added. She then went on some big rant on how the characters were playing inaccurately but still insisted on watch that film. Santana just nodded as she didn't want to take away the look of sheer joy from Britt's face.


Around 8 pm, after the girls had eaten dinner separately, the two families met up. They walked along the beach together, looking out for the outdoor cinema. They soon found it as it was absolutely stunning. There was a large cinema screen which had 2 large sofas next to eachother other with small mini bars parked by the side which were filled with drinks and snacks. They all sat down, the parents on one sofa and the kids on the other. Not long after a big bucket of popcorn appeared and they all began munching. The film started pretty quickly and it was so cool watching a film in front of the sea. They all knew they were never going to forget this moment. Around half way through the film both girls put their hands in the popcorn bucket at the same time and their hands brushed against eachother softly. They both felt a weird tingling sensation all through them , as if an angel was floating above them. Once the film came to an end they were all cheering and crying and laughing and generally having an amazing time. Once they got up Britt noticed something. In the corner of her eye she could see about a thousand crabs running around. She screamed. "What's the matter?!" her mum said abruptly. "The-- the crabs..." stuttered Britt. You could barley see the sand on the other side of the screen there were so many crabs crawling about. The blonde started shivering. "I'm scared, what if they eat me?! I watched this documentary on it with Lord Tubbington!" she shouted. Tana quickly reacted and managed to pick up Britt. She's not even sure how she did it as her friend was taller and stronger than her but she supposed it was like when a mum lifts a car from on top of a baby, like a superhero. She certainly felt like a superhero in that moment. Every moment she was with Britt felt like a superhero moment.

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