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'you and i against the world? domination'

I walked along my friends to the great hall, chatting and for their case ocassionally laughing. I was bothered since last night. I was awake and I tried organizing my thoughts and it ends up that I realized something about me. The older I get,the more I was drifting away from the idea of love and feeling. When I "accidentally" shoved Parkinson from our area earlier, I felt so satisfied and wanted to do more than just shoving. There were bad thoughts in my head. Sometimes,I'd even mistake it as someone whispering close to my ear.

"Dianna!" Snapped, Daphne. I turned to her and to my friends who were behind me. Frowning I look ahead and saw Gilderoy Lockhart standing in front of me, both of his hands were in his waist as he puffed his chest. Backing away and annoyed, I resist the urge to push him out of my way.

"Ms. Slytherin, are you on your way to my class?" He beams, grinning at me in the most obnoxious way. He must have thought he was the most attractive wizard. How pitiful.

"As a matter of fact, yes I am. Professor." I made the last word sound sarcastic making others stiffle their laugh and a few girls to gasp.

"And it comes to my concern that you are not in it?" I said and he pauses and realized what I just said. His eyes widen and gasp as he turns around and panicked. He runs to his classroom and I sighed, rolling my eyes. Blaise then puts a hand over my shoulder as the rest of us come to DADA.

When we entered the room, he was nowhere to be seen. Shrugging and not really caring about the professor's wellbeing, I sit casually beside Draco. Then the man enters, his fake macho appearance disgusting me. And what made it worse was that the Gryffindor girls were swooning at him as if he were a Nimbus 2001—which Draco's father had sent last week when we found out we got into the team.

"Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher—me." He grins and I fake vomit at this. Draco laughs beside me and I grinned. Wait what?

"Gilderoy Lockhart. Order of Merlin, Third Class. Honorary member of the Force Defense  League and five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming smile award. But I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him." He proceeds to smile and chuckle as the class stares at him boredly. Well for the Gryffindork's case they were gaping at him.

The professor proceeds to giving us a test and I scrunch up my nose in disgust when I read them. The questions were about himself, favorite color and what his secret ambition was blah, blah, blah. I sit this one out as I doodled a picture of our beloved DADA professor being chased by a giant snake. I snickered, finishing my masterpeice when the time was up. I passed the paper and  he reads them in front of us.

"Well, I must say that is a very nice photo of me, Ms. Slytherin." He said and then kept the papers away.

"Now! Be warned. It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to Wizardkind." He taps the cage and it moves wildly. I look at Draco who had gripped his hand in mine,a scared look in his face. I snort as I turned to the scene in front of me. But instead of pushing his hand away, I dutifully hold it tightly for him.

"You may find yourself facing your worst fears in this room. Know that no harm can befall you whilst I am here." He says and I did not trust that one bit.

"You're gonna regret that~" I sang and Granger glared at me and turned back to making heart eyes at the scam.

"I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them!" He says as he takes off the cloth that covered the cage. And then the pixies began to get wild,seeing humans up close. I felt Draco relax and I share a look at him and he smirks in a handsome way.

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