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'date gone wrong'

I was awoken up early in the morning by a singing Daphne. I was never a heavy sleeper so I don't completely blame her.

"Daphne you sound like a dying whale." I whine and she gasps, sharply turning to glare at me. I gave her a funny look and we both errupted into laughter.

"If I sound like a dying whale you should have heard Parkinson say she had a voice as "alluring" as a siren's call. As far as I know when sirens are up in the surface,they screech." She says as she looks at me through the mirror. I snicker as I slowly got out of bed. My gaze slowly turns into Daphne's bed and saw that she had a gorgeous outfit laid out.

"That's a really cute outfit,Daph." I compliment her as I sit down on my desk.

"I know. It's a limited edition! Mum owled it last week. I didn't show you?" She asks as she picks it up and gaped at it.

"Not that I remember of. Anyway is this your first date with Theo?" I ask as I read my charms essay one last time.

"Hm,not really. We've been inseparable last summer." She says dreamily and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Okay...well I should start getting ready then." I said and she claps happily. I started showering, taking extra time as I wanted to look better today. When I got out of the shower, I was surprised to see my clothes laid out on my bed and Daphne's.

"I assumed you haven't thought on what to wear yet." She says knowingly and I shrug. She sighs turning into the pile of clothes as she put a finger on her chin, as if she were thinking of something.

"Ah!" She suddenly says and picks up a dark green dress that hung up above my knee. Then she pulls out a black stocking from her trunk and threw it over the dress. She grabs my black fur coat and happily claps her hands.

"I like it. Would you do my hair?" I ask as I pick up some undergarments and the dress.

"And makeup." She adds, nodding. I laugh, agreeing with her words. As much as I love buying dresses and clothes, I let Daphne treat me like her doll. Her sister, Astoria has some issues with her because of attention from her parents. So since Daphne can't use Astoria as her experiment,she uses me and I let her.

After putting on my clothes together, Daphne sat me down in her dresser. I stared at myself in the mirror and cringed at my plae face.

"Okay so let's keep your hair down because it's snowing. But let's put it in beautiful curls!" She chirps and I could only nod and agree. She begins to do my hair and true to her words, she kept my blonde hair down and    curled it. After that,she gets some pretty green clips that I didn't know was in my bag and clipped it in my hair. She applies a little makeup on me until I stop her.

"Okay! We are both done. It's about 10 so I think the boys are waiting for us in the common room." She says as she put on her shoes. Then she brings out my black boots and gave them to me. I smiled thankfully and grabbed my purse. After making sure we had everything, we went out of the room.

"Ooh, would you look at that...I see you girls are ready for your tea party." Blaise jokingly says and I glare at him.

"You look stunning, Dianna." I hear Draco say. I flush, hearing a few amused chuckles as I do so.

"Draco we need you in the castle. You're the only one who could keep Dianna contained!" Blaise dramatically says and I glared at him. After a few chats, my friends and I head out to get to Hogsmead.


"Dianna, Theo and I will check out Madam Puddifoot's. Wanna come?" Daphne asks and I look at Draco and found him conversing with Monatague. Knowing he'd be upset that I didn't wait for him, I shook my head. I watch Daphne ans Theo walk away, a pout displaying on my lips.

"Slytherin?" I hear a familiar voice call me. I snapped my attention towards it's direction. I see Diggory with a few Hufflepuffs walking towards my direction. I instinctively look over to Draco and saw him already glaring at Diggory. Then I look at Diggory and found him grinning at me.

"Dianna, thanks for coming to the game yesterday. Do you want to go to Three Broomsticks with us?" He kindly offers and I couldn't give back the smile he was giving me.

"No thank you, Diggory. I'm sure I'd catch you later there. Draco is sort of in the middle of something." I said timidly as I continue to scrutinize his friends. I turn to Diggory and found him looking at Draco intensely.

"O-oh okay...I'll be catching you later then." He says, now looking at me. I met his eyes and saw how his expression fell. I frowned as I stared at him in confusion.

"Uh...well I need to talk to you now. Could yoi give us a sec?" Cedric says to his group of badgers. They gave out reluctant nods before going away.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask and he sighs.

"Oh, uh...nothing. I just wanted to ask if you've been good? I wanted to ask you out fot Hogsmeade but Malfoy and Zabini never let me near. By the way you look absolutely gorgeous, Dianna." He says as he lets out a shaky laugh. I smile faintly at his bubbliness.

"I've been well, Cedric. I'm sorry about Blaise and Draco. It would have been lovely to spend Hogsmeade with you. But..." I paused looking over to Draco.

"Malfoy..." he mutters almost sadly. I smile and nodded. He sighs deeply and puts his hands in his jacket's pocket.

"I..uh...understand. Well I'll see you in Three Broomsticks." He says and smiles toothily at me. Though he was smiling beautifully, it didn't reach his eyes. I watch him walking away and I begin to walk towards Draco. When I reached him he looked more relaxed now, but still talking to Montague and was now joined by Pucey. I tug his arm and he pays no mind. For the whole time we've been here, he's done nothing but talk to Montague. It wasn't about Quidditch but just something else.


"And then it suddenly blew up on his bloody face! What a bloody loser—"

"DRACO!" I shout loudly, catching everyone's attention. Literally everyone, the whole freaking people around me. The boys in front of me displayed shock in their faces.

"Ever since we've step foot here you haven't been batting an eye on me. God, I should have just went with Diggory instead." I said,my anger getting the best of me. I make a sharp turn against him as I walked off from them.

"Dianna—"I felt Draco touch my wrist and I harshly pushed him away. My eyes widen as he was on the ground and I realized that there was a green smoke fading away. I attempt to walk towards him, wanting to apologize. But I held back, afraid I'd hurt him more. His eyes met mine and I slowly back away, tears attempting to fall.

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