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'reunion of heirs'

I pulled my wand hurriedly, pointing it at the ground.

"Aresto Momentum!" I only heard of this spell once and I was surprised to have it working. I got down gently giving my wand a small smile. Remembering why I got down this filth, I trurn around and saw a passage. Walking briskly, my want was aimed front. Then I heard rustling and saw Weasley and an unconscious Lockhart. I rolled my eyes in disdain at the old blonde's incompetence. Then my attention turned to Weasley as he tries to get off some rocks.

"Move aside." I said and he hesitates but complies.

"Bombarda!" I said and covered my head for the flying rocks. Once it calmed down I turn to Weasley. He looks at me, as if I lost my mind. Honestly, I too am wondering. Going down in this crusty chamber-my ancestor should have at least made this thing look less shady.

"Don't come or you'd find me 'bombarda' your arse. Stay with the fool." I threatenes and he fearfully nods. I run off and saw a circular door that had stone snakes in it.

"Open." I said in parseltongue. It opens beautifully as the snakes move into its places. I step in and it closes, making me frown a little bit. I looked at the chamber and found that it had snakes decorated all around it. It screamed Slytherin at the first glance, honestly. Then I saw a man looking at Potter on top of Slytherin's statue as the Basilik aimed for the small boy. My eyes snapped to the man and a figure lying down. With wand raised, I slowly stepped in. Then I looked at the man and saw that he had Potter's wand. I cursed mentally at the boy for being foolish.

"Expelliarmus." I said with a flick of my wand, Potter's wand came flying to my hand. I smirked as a look of surprise crept it's face to the tall man's face.

"Diannara Slytherin. My cousin." He says, a look of nostalgia in his face. I frowned confused with his expression, but still had my wand raised up high.

"Say something to it, Dianna!" I heard Potter shout as he struggled to climb the statue of my ancestor.

"Stop." My voice says and the Basilisk halts, slithering away.

"No! Kill the boy!"the tall man says and the beast listened as be came face to face with Potter.

"I said stop!" I hiss and the tall boy who I just noticed was wearing a Slytherin robe turned to me an angry look on his face.

"Don't listen to her. Kill the boy! Now!" Fortunately, Potter was blessed with luck that he managed to kill the Basilisk with a sword before it turned him into human snack. I raised my wand at the tall boy's throat as he laughed maniacally as he looked at Potter's injured hand.

"Remarkable, isn't it? How quickly the venom of the basilisk penitrates the body? I'm guessing you have more than a minute to live. You'll be with your desr mudblood mother, Harry." He says,a sadistic look in his face. But I wasn't threatened a bit, this man is the other heir.

"Who are you? Are you Tom?" I ask and his eyes darken.

"Lord Voldemort." He says with a snake like grin. I push him off of me making him stumble. I crouch down to Potter and the female Weasley.

"Funny, the damage the silly little book can do especially to the hands of a silly little girl." He says, a look of victory in his face that I wanted to wipe off at the very moment. I gave Potter a glare and he smiles bitterly as tears brimmed in his eyes. Then I noticed a book lying around. I picked it up and looked at it curiously. I know two people are dying right in front of me but I felt that this notebook was far more important.

"Put it down, Diannara. Come with me. We could be powerful together. The heirs of Slytherin, conquering the Wizarding World. We will be glorious together." I cringed at the sound of my name as I glared at the tall boy. Though I hesitated at the offer, I was determined to get this boy out of my sight.

"I'd like to have it all for me, no thank you." I said,managing to smirk in this situation. He glares slowly coming to me. Potter gets the fang in his hand,giving it to me. I understood immediately. I took the fang in my hand as I stared at the tall boy who was a meter away from me. Since Potter gave me the fang, it must be to stab this horrid looking notebook. I gave the tall boy a look as I raised the Basilisk fang and stabbed the notebook. I backed away a little as I was taken aback with the blood rushing out of the notebook. I took a look at the tall boy as he clutched his heart as a light shone out of it. Stabbing the notebook multiple times again, he finally errupts into ashes. Falling down, I look at the blood I had gotten in my hands. Then I rushed to Potter, looking at his arm. I hear a stirring next to me and I couldn't care less at the girl. She was safe and Potter was now dying.

"You stupid, careless, gormless-"I was stopped in the middle of my listing as I heard a bird cry. My eyes widen as I see a phoenix landing next to Potter.

"You were brilliant Fawkes, I just wasn't quick enough." Potter says as he struggles to say those words.

"Wait, Phoenix tears could heal!" I exclaim and true to my words, the Phoenix begins crying, it's tears dropping into Potter's arm and closing it up as if nothing had happened to it. I hear a gasp and turned to see that the female Weasley had woken up.

"Harry, I'm sorry it was me. But I swear I didn't mean to. Riddle made me-"

"We're okay, Ginny. It's just a memory." He says and I looked into his eyes and saw that there was more to it. I pat Potter in the back and he gives me a smile.

"If you weren't so unvigilant, you would have stopped that snake from biting you." I pointed out and he chuckles. I got up and took the notebook in my hand.

"What's this anyway?" I ask, looking at Potter. The ginger next to him shifts uncomfortably.

"It's a diary. Voldemort preserved himself in it." Potter answers as we walk towards the entrance to come to Weasley and the bumbling fool Lockhart.

"And how did it get out?" I ask as I looked at the ginger expectantly waiting for an answer.

"It was me. I was writing in this diary when it answered to me. That's all I remembered." She answers and I roll my eyes, throwing the diary to Potter. He catches it clumsily and I walk ahead of those two.

"Ginny!" Weasley says and pushes past me to get to the girl. I roll my eyes for the nth time as I crossed my arms.

"Ah how lovely, a family reunion. Oh wait, I don't know how that feels! I don't have one! Sorry,my bad." I sarcastically said to the ginger boy.

"I'm sorry I was a git to you, Slytherin. You're not so bad." Weasley says and I scoff as I pushed Lockhart up.

"Don't think I did this for you and your sister, Weasel. I did this for Hogwarts." I said and just in time, I hear the call of my godfather.

"Dianna!" He says and I rushed towards the entrance and looked up and saw a group of adults peering down at me. A rope ladder fell and that was our way to the exit from the chamber of secrets.

Okay so Chamber of secrets is doneee! And surprise double update again shshs

Spoiler for POA era: more draco and dianna moments.

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