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no one wants a bloodied crown


It was all too fast for Dianna. She had no time to blink, and those two words felt like it punched a fresh wound. No one of the three fired but rather it was a newcomer.

Theodore Nott fulfilled his mission.

He had killed his own father, one he should have done years ago. And Dianna was horrified when Nott. Sr. dropped dead in front of them.

"Theodore!" Daphne exclaimed, rushing to Theo's aid. Dianna watched her close friend's face etched with fury and at the same time guilt. Theodore Nott was not the most sociable bloke but Dianna knew him well enough to be called her close friend. He was not one of those Slytherins who tried their best to fit in Draco and her standards. He had always had darkness in him, a darkness that Dianna could understand. His father was a cruel man, a death eater. He abused Theo around like a ragdall and that was the cause of Theo's utter hatred for his old man. But even Dianna knew, Theo had no heart to kill anyone.

And to see him tremble after firing the Killing Curse. It was a painful feeling. But even more painful when she'd realize what drove him to.

Daphne Greengrass.

Dianna watched in silence as Daphne cried in Theo's chest, the latter kissing her forehead. She envied that, how the two seemed to never care one bit about how the world saw them as. Admittingly, Dianna and Draco were never like that. They were two broken hearts, hungry for the idea of love. And the world made them feel insecure. While Daphne and Theo's lovestory was...magical. One was broken and one knew how to mend.

It didn't take two or more minutes after realizing those things that Dianna knew what she had to do.

She had to find Draco. Find her Draco and tell him how much she meant to him before everything was too late. Tell him everything she felt about him from the first train ride to Hogwarts to this very moment.

She had to let him know that she too was willing to kill for him. Because heaven knows, she never gave him the love he deserved. No assurance of their future, only an uncertain angst conversation with him. There was always something that held her back and Draco suffered from that.  So she had to change that. She had to forget from time to time.

She had to act a little braver.

Dianna ran around, looking everywhere for any signs of a tall, blonde haired boy that she loves.

"Dianna!" She turned around and saw Draco, a mortified expression in his face. Gregory Goyle was behind him, a solemn look in his usually stern look.

"Love!" She exclaimed, running towards him and engulfed him with a hug. Draco stumbled backwards, taken aback by Dianna's sudden show of affection. She had been too sad lately, it was refreshing to see her like this.

"What's wrong? Oh,good you're still in one peice!" Draco exclaimed and Dianna, with no hesitation crashed her lips against his. The two of them shared a passionate kiss, being cut off by a loud explosion. The both of them stepped backwards, before the Heir of Slytherin laughed.

"Draco, I'm in love with you." She said, cupping his face with both of her hands.

"I know that, love." He said with a small chuckle. Dianna closed her eyes, a tear escaping as she does so.

"I've never been the expressive type so I'm telling you. The day we met on the train, I knew you were something else. But I didn't know you'd stick 'til the end. And it's unfair how I'm always hard on you and how we always mess up. So I'm telling you,that I love you. And I don't know what to do if I loose you. So I'm staying by your side. Whatever happens." Dianna's honesty flowed from her lips like the crystal tears from her eyes. It awed Draco and at the same time it clenched something in him.

"No, you need to go where your orginal goal was. You need to finish him while I stay here and help." Draco says, making Dianna look at him in surprise. She thought he'd thank her, hold her hand and they'd both fight side by side.

But he reminded her of something she set her heart first.


"I'll meet you after the war." He said gently, placing a chaste kiss on her lips before letting go of her.

"I'll meet you after the war." She repeated, a loving smile in her face. She watched as Draco gave her a small smirk, the same one she fell in love with all these years. She watched as he walked away and ran to help the aurors in the Great Hall.

"That's Slytherin, Harry!" She turned around upon hearing her name and saw the Golden Trio running towards her.

"Boathouse. Snape. Nagini!" Harry Potter exclaimed as he panted heavily. Dianna gave him an odd look and turned to the muggleborn girl, who upon meeting her gaze jumped.

"I'm not following." She said, unamused.

"Harry saw Voldemort in the boathouse and he asked Lucius Malfoy to bring him Professor Snape." Hermione Granger explained hastily. Dianna's eyes widen and she immediately grabbed Potter and began running, both Hermione and Ron following behind. The four teenagers got out of the castle and ran across the courtyard. Dianna was restlessly throwing wordless curses at anyone on sight. The four of them widened their eyes at the sight of a giant swinging it's mace at them, ducking for their lives. The four of them ran and ran and both Dianna and Hermione stopped at the sight of Fenrir Greyback eating a student. With a mutual hatred for the werewolf, they both sent him flying backwards resulting for him to hit a wall.

They continued to run and stopped as hundreds of Dementors flew in their direction. But before any of the four could react, the Dementors was shunned away by a powerful Patronus charm. They turned around and saw Aberforth Dumbledore with the D.A. Harry gave him a nod and continued running with the other three.

As they reached the boathouse, Dianna's heart beat quickened for Severus Snape had arrived before them.

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