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'i hope i could light your world'

Severus Snape arrived by floo in the Ministry of Magic and watched his goddaughter fall. He could scream but instead his hand that held his wand acted, levitating his goddaughter and apparated with her. They land outside the castle grounds and he draws out his wand once again.

"Expecto Patronum." And there came out a doe, bouncing as he instructed it to go inside the castle to get help from either Minerva or Poppy. He scans his goddaughter's face and frowned as he noticed how her face had become pale and a faint scale in her cheeks. Severus may be cold but this girl had become his life, everything about her worries him.

"Dianna!" Severus turns around and sees Draco Malfoy, running faster than anyone. He drops to the ground, his heartbeat racing in the worry for his love.

"Severus..."Minerva McGonagall arrives shortly, easing the mind of Severus. They brought her back inside, levitating her so they could quickly move in.

Severus watched in agony as his goddaughter was placed on the hospital bed and began squirming as if she were in pain. Draco held her down as Severus struggled to keep his emotions in tact.

Dianna begins to hiss, Draco and Severus assumed she spoke in Parseltongue. No one could understand her except Potter and he wasn't here. But Severus understood her, she was troubled and stressed. Severus watched quietly as Poppy forced down a liquid in her throat.

"Severus, what happened to the girl?" Minerva asks, her motherly tone filled with worry.

"I don't know." He says, his voice strained as he tries to keep the emotions away. Severus wished he didn't see this. It reminded him the moment he saw Lily Evans, the girl she loved til now so lifeless. It scared him, the possibility of loosing yourself again.


Draco Malfoy hated everytime he sees you in the hospital bed. From quidditch injuries, uncontrollable nightmare episodes to even visiting some friends. He hated it most to see Dianna hurting in any way. And he hated himself for being one of the reasons why you felt that way these days.

He didn't know what had gotten to him. When you said you didn't want him by your side and wanted to send you away, he felt hurt. He wanted to be by your side so much to extremes of getting your attention in the most twisted ways as possible. And he regrets it now, everything he's ever done.

Everything they fought about before, he wanted to physically burn it out and wanted to start new with Dianna. But he himself wasn't sure if you could still do that. He wanted to believe Diana wasn't dead but it had been a week and yet she wasn't waking. Severus had to bring her back to the castle where she had her own healers. School year had ended and Dianna wasn't waking. The only consolation for Draco was that Dianna was still breathing and he was by her side 24/7.

Draco sighed, leaning back as he stared at the ceiling of the hospital wing in Dianna's castle. Suddenly he hears an owl hooting and he shoots up. He gets the letter in it and smiles happily. He thought of how Dianna wanted to see this. Draco and her and how you'd get all silly as you brag about how she'd get Outstanding in every subject. Draco remembered how Dianna would always happily tease him about getting an Acceptable in Herbology.

"Hey, look it's your grades. I'll open it for you, love." He says. Draco had been talking to Dianna nonstop even at the simplest things like how he'd seen a fly get eaten by the Venus Flytrap in their garden the other day. He'd hope she was listening and would just respond her usual snarky words.

"How do you always manage to get an Outstanding in Herbology? And surprisingly Defense too." He mused. Draco looked at Dianna, his eyes filled with fondness.

"I wish you'd wake up now so you'd tease me about having another acceptable in Herbology." He mutters, leaning in to kiss Dianna in the forehead but paused as she began groaning. His eyes widen, as he watched his sleeping beauty—who would beg to differ she was a beauty—slowly wake up from her long sleep.

"Master Snape has told Cindy to fetch Master Malfoy some food." An elf croaks out and Draco turned around and nodded hastily.

"Get Snape! Tell him Dianna's waking." Draco excitedly says and the elf jumped in surprise. She puts down the tray in her hand as she snaps her finger and apparates to where Severus was.

"Love..."Draco mutters as Dianna opened her eyes slowly. To say Draco missed the ocean blue in Dianna's eyes was an understatement. He longed for it, to see the love again.

"Draco?" Dianna asks, confused at where she was. Draco nods, thankful it wasn't those times where she'd magically forget him or her memories had been erased by some evil force.

"Yes love it's me. Snape is on his way—"

"Dianna?" Oh, there he was. Draco thought.

"Severus..."Dianna croaks out and Severus could feel himself wanting to just jump out of joy. He was so relieved to see his goddaughter alive and awake.

"I will be informing the healers of your condition." He says, turning around to smile as he leaves the wing. Draco turns to Dianna with a grin.

"Had quite a sleep there,yeah?" He teases and Dianna couldn't help but break into a smile.

"Yeah you enjoyed not having to hear my snide remarks." She sassed making Draco's heart pound even more. Draco thought how unfair it was, to be so beautiful even at the simplest things she does.

"I miss you."Draco suddenly blurted out but he didn't regret saying it.

Dianna's expression softened at this. In their relationship, Draco was the one whose more affectionate and says the most romantic things. While Dianna, she was the tougher one in their relationship. It's like she was ice but he was fire.

"I miss you too." She says and as she reached to kiss Draco, she felt her head sting in pain again. Draco who was surprised had looked at her in worry.

"Love, where does it hurt—"he couldn't finish his question as he sees Dianna's eyes turn green and her pupils become slits like it were a snake's. He took a step back and this had been noticed by Dianna who looked at him in worry.

Saving Draco from a dreadful question, Severus and several healers enter the wing. Dianna looked at Severus and he too had been taken aback by her snake like eyes.

It reminded him of the Dark Lord.

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