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'let it be known that some choices just have to weigh bigger than the other'

I didn't know if it was that foul pasty I ate this morning or there was something wrong. I felt like there was something that was going to happen sooner or later. But then again I knew about Albus Dumbledore's planned death fot I had seen it in my visions. Severus was to kill him and even though I volunteered, I could not. Our wands were brothers, having the same thestral hair and core. Since the wands are twins, I could not hurt the other. But that was least of my worries. What I am about to do may be the answer to my questions. And all of this wouldn't do only my powers of persuation.

So I took matters into my own hands. I drank the gold liquid that they say would I find success in all of my endevours.

Anyway, I was on my way to Professor Slughorn's office. After weeks of playing my part as the favorite student, I had gotten a little brave and decided it was time. Professor Slughorn was not only a great Potioneer but I had need of him. His memory, I needed it. And right now, I would try to ask for it.

I knocked on his office and it was answered shortly.

"Good morning, Professor." I said with a forced smile. His eyes crinkled as he smiled and opened the door for me.

"Ah! Dianna! Lovely to see you, dear. Sit down, sit down!" He offers her the couch and I reluctantly nod, clutching the empty vial in my hand.

"Look at that, girl. I framed it! But anyway, let me ask you what brought you here this fine evening?" He asked and I looked at the big photo frame that had a moving image of me amd Professor Slughorn at the Slug Club Party.

"Professor I won't beat around the bush. I am here for something. Something I know you have." The short professor froze, slowly turning to me.

"Dumbledore put you up to this too?" He asked angrily and I confusedly shook my head. His face falls into a confused frown and I stood up from the couch.

"You're memory of how my father got the Amortentia to use on my mother. And the one with Riddle. I need of it." I said sternly and I see him wince at the tone.

"Please, Professor. I have been searching for answers the rest of my life. Even just my farher's memory. Not even of Voldemort's—"

"Don't say his name!" He hissed but I did not wither. His features soften as I offered him two empty vials. He takes out his wand and I felt my heart beat quicken. He pulls out the memory, one of each.

"On your right, is your father's. On your left is...the untampered version of my memory with Tom Riddle." He said and I close the vial and turn to him. Unexpectantly, I pull the professor into my embrace.

"Thank you..."


Dumbledore and I finished view Tom's memory and my suspicions were confirmed. Tom had made horcruxes to be immortal. We did not know how many he made but I felt like I know one. It was impossible he wouldn't use it as a horcrux for after all, Tom Riddle valued his ancestry.

"Now, you see Diannara that Tom has abused his power. His potential to become a powerful and good wizard was over powered for his belief in his mere blood. Tom was ambitious yes, a quality Slytherins—especially you—possess. Ambitiousness is never evil for it is what makes us humans thrive for life. But Tom, who had never had a parental figure, was starved from love and knowledge of himself. This had made his ambitiousness to rise into something more darker and evil. That is what sets you apart, Diannara. For Tom had no one but you had someone. At least one who had cared for you over the years." He says as he stares at the nightsky outside the window.

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