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'hoping to be braver'

It has been months and I more students have been petrified. Those Mandrake Juice are taking so long but aside from that I knew where the chamber was. When we had holidays, I've discovered that in our castle we've had a hidden chamber as well. Though it was obvious that no one knew of it, I had an idea then where the Chamber of Secrets might be. Since I found this hidden chamber's entrance was in a sink, I figured Salazar must have done the same one for our school. But the puzzle for me was that I didn't know which bathroom here in Hogwarts was the entrance. And as much as I would like to stop the petrifying incidents, I knew that it would mean that the heir who opened it would come for me. And I couldn't risk that knowing that my friends and Severus would be endangered to. These thoughts had been making me ill for the last few months and I've been awfuly aloof with my friends. It worried them but I'd assure them of course.

"Dianna?" Daphne calls my name and I turned around to see that everyone had been staring at me in Potions. Even my godfather who doesn't care about me at Potions.

"What?" I ask and the sharpness of my tone must have caught them off guard.

"Turn to page 76." Severus says strictly as he strides towards me. The rest of the class hurries to open their book while I stared at the locket of my ancestor.

Severus begins to say some things but I tune him out as I stared ahead of me, turning each page slowly. A few moments pass by and finally, Potions was finished.

"Dianna please sit down." Severus says, noticing that I was the last one leaving. I look at him and sighed,sitting back down.

"Anything that's bothering you that does not concern my class should be settled elsewhere,Dianna." He says as he cleans his table.

"I understand, Professor. " I say these words without much thought. He notices this and sighs.

"But if my class is finished and we are alone, I am your godfather. What's bothering you?" He asks and I look at him in surprise.

"Just...how my summer's going to be." I lied, looking at him in the face. One thing I learned from Severus this Christmas was to block out my memories something called Occulemency. He said it was to protect my mind and now I'm using it against him. He narrows his eyes at me and nods anyway, sending me off.


"Leave me alone, Diggory." I said,my tone cold. He doesn't listen to me as he continues to walk beside me. Is he deaf all of a sudden?

"Is there something wrong?" He asks worriedly and I shake my head wordlessly.

"Then why are you so cold to me?" He asks and I stopped in my tracks. I look at him and closed my eyes as I frustratingly pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I'm always cold,Diggory. This is who I am. And right now, I don't have the energy to deal with you. "I said and his face falls. For the first time ever since he and I had been talking, I've never seen him so upset. And I waited for my heart to ache but of course, it did not. I sighed, shaking my thoughts away as I continue going to the Great Hall to have dinner.

I sat down next to Draco as I quietly ate my dinner. My friends stop their conversation as they look at me,concern written all over their faces. I look at them and scowl at the attention. I hear Draco telling them off as I distractedly ate the chicken in my plate.

"Hey, what's gotten you upset?" Draco asks, looking worried. Annoyed and stressed, I began to snap.

"Nothing! Stop treating me like a fragile soul, Draco!" I vent, catching a few attention. I see Draco's hurt expression and I felt something hurt in my chest. But instead of apologizing, I stormed out of the Great Hall as I march towards the dungeons.

When I arrived in my room, I threw myself on my bed as I stared at the ceiling. I clutch the area of where my heart is, as I felt tears prickle in my eyes. I used to feel void whenever I get upset. Why am I feeling something different now? Why does it feel like I'm hurting?

"Dianna?" I hear Daphne's comforting voice as she enter's our room. I don't look at her as I hum lowly. I hear her close the door and sit on her bed.

"Are you crying?" She asks, worried. I close my eyes as I roll around, hoping that the sheets would wipe the tears for me.

"I'm not." I said as I sat up. She nods and looks at me.

"You've been out of it lately...is there something you want to let out?" She asks, sitting next to me. Her hand affectionately holds my forearm. I look at her and hesitated.

"I'm okay..." I said, looking away. She sighs and pulls me into a hug.

"I know you won't probably feel it but you should know that I care for you so much...you're like my little sister, Dianna." She says and I couldn't help the smile inching in my lips.

"Thank you, Daph." I said as I put my hand on her shoulder. She chuckles fondly as she rubs my back comfortingly.

"You're welcome, Dianna. Now why don't we head down to the Common Room? Draco brought you some jelly..." she says and my gaze softens.

"He did that? After I did that to him?" I said, the familiar warm sensation appearing once again. I see her smile and nod.

"You kids would make a lovely pair when you get older." She says and I smile a little, feeling better to have heard that. We walk out of out room hand in hand. I see the boys look up and the certain blonde visibly brightens.

"Dianna! Don't come running off-" he stops whatever he was gonna say,hesitating. I wince knowing that it must be about the words I said to him earlier. I let go of Daphne's hand as I walk over to Draco, proceeding to ruffling his hair. His eyes widen, I guess he must have been surprised by the sudden affection.

"I'm sorry, Draco. Shouldn't have blown off on you like that." I said,taking my usual seat. He grins and then hands me something. My eyes widen in delight, a soft squeal escaping my lips.I gasp as I took the fork and then dumping some jellies in my mouth, happily munching on it.

"Cute." I didn't know if my ears did a trick on me but I just heard Draco mutter those words while looking at me fondly.

Okay so I just wrote this a while ago and probably make some edits but here ya go.

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