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'summers pass but our love is new'

The next morning, there was a rumour going around. Aparently, our DADA professor had an animal inside of him. He was a werewolf, I had been kidding when I said that the last time. But all in all, I thought Professor Lupin did a fine job in being a teacher. Since he was a werewolf and was "the dark arts" parents were alarmed.

"So what...let me get this straight...Professor Lupin just went all werewolf on MY godfather? And he was helping that escape bloke?" I ask as if in disbelief. Blaise nods and I laugh a little. I found everything extremely amusing at this moment.

"And how did those three idiot Gryffindors escape the werewolf?" I ask as I practice charms on a peice of parchment.

"I don't know. Word around says they were confunded. Though Potter fainted and Weaselby's leg got bit by something." He says and I grin faintly.

"This is the most I've seen you smile these days." I heard a familiar voice says. Blaise and I look back and saw Draco looking flustered. I'm guessing he didn't mean to say those words. I sighed, standing up ready to leave.

"Dianna...please..." Draco says and I look at him in surprise. He sounded desperate and I thought maybe I should just...stay. I thought of what Diggory said to me the other day. I look over to Blaise and he gave me an understanding nod. He leaves the both of us and I turn to Draco with a bored look in my face, masking the longing I've been feeling.

"Dianna, I'm sorry for what you saw the other night. It wasn't what you thought it was." He says as he steps forward making me immediately back away. He sees this of course and his eyes showed pain.

"I don't care , Draco. It doesn't matter to me anymore."

"I know your hurting, Dianna. But please don't shut me off." He says as he holds my hand. I look at them and stared at them sadly.

"I hurt you, Draco. I could never forgive myself for that." I said and bit my lips to stop them from quivvering.

"But I forgive you. And it doesn't matter if you hurt me a thousand times. Don't you get it,Dianna?! I'm in love with you!" He bursts and I widen my eyes. And slowly I heard door opening and I realized my friends listened in. Draco himself looked surprise he said it.

"Y-you love me? B-but...you know about me Draco...I can't..." I said as I look down. He pulls me close and brings my face up, cupping it. I stared into his grey orbs, and I was sure it glinted.


If you can't describe it into a word explain it. Tell me, Dianna." He says and I unknowingly smile at the thought of Draco.

"When I'm with you, I don't feel so lonely anymore. I don't feel like a castaway. I feel...home." I said and when I look at him he was smiling. The notorious bad boy of Hogwarts is smiling, so full of love at me. Instead of saying more words he kissed my forehead and hugged me real tight. And once again, I feel my walls starting to crumble. And  even at the second time, it was him who did it.


Draco and I walk hand in hand to our way on the train. Everyone was shocked to see me smiling and not looking tired. The sleepless nights were gone so I had no reason but to sleep with a smile.

I look around as I heard someone call me. I spot Cedric and a smile immediately appears on my face. I had so much to thank him for. I turn to Draco and saw him with a troubled expression.

"I'll see you on the train, Draco."

"Sure thing,love." He says and I turn to Cedric who was panting. He had run up to me, and I found him smiling as always.

"I guess you and Malfoy worked it out?" He asks, and it sounded halfhearted. I nod,smiling. A lot of people looked at us right now, knowing that I was a snake and this boy was a puff. But I didn't care at all, Cedric wasn't so bad at all.

"That's cool. Hey, I was just wondering if you could write to me over the summer?" He asks, scratching the back of his head. I smile a little, founding this amusing.

"About what?"

"Anything. Whatever is going on with you." He says, patting my head. Then the loud horn of the train was heard and I knew that it was time. I smirk at Cedric and went inside the train. I walk around and entered the compartment my friends were in.

"Hey..."I said and sat next to Draco. Like a drill, he holds me close and I hold his hand.

"Dianna, mum's running a little late to pick us up. Do you wanna explore London a bit?" Blaise says and I frown at him.

"Muggle London?" I ask, feeling a little bit disgusted.

"Oh come on, it doesn't mean we'll have to make friends with them." He says as he flips the pages of Daphne's magazine. An unusual sight for some but I lived half of my life with him.

"Ugh, whatever. Do you wanna come, Draco?" I ask and he scrunches up his nose.

"I'll pass. It's a little frustrating to not be able magic there." He says and I roll my eyes at the boy. I heard the door of pur cabin open  and I look over it and found Parkinson in a thin cheap looking dress. I share a look with Daphne and we both share a look of disgust.

"Are you lost?" Blaise asks, his tone uninterested. Parkinson ignores him and twirls her short hair that's been curled. Whoever approved of how she looks right now, must have been blind.

"Drakey,I was wondering where you were. I waited for you in our compartment you know." She says and flutters her eyes as she fakes pout. I make a sound of disgust and everyone looks at me in surprise.

"What actually made you think he'd like to be alone in a compartment with you?" I ask and shuddered at the thought. Theo and Blaise stifle their laugh as Draco affectionately rubs his nose in the side of my face.

"Oh, Slytherin how fancy seeing you here. You know we were jusy getting used to you being so invicible for the last few days. What made you show your self again?" She tests and I roll my eyes.

"Invisible? Oh, dearie...I turn heads when I walk. Without me and my insults for you...I bet my castle you're the one whose actually invisible. You're not really known as something else rather than the girl who tries hard to be me." I said and the boys this time made a chorus of impressed 'oooh'. I watch Parkinson tauntingly as she looks at me in anger. I smirk and with a flick of my finger she was pushed out of the way.

I look at Draco and he had a proud look in his face. He kisses my temple and I rest my head in his shoulder as I watch the passing terrains of Scotland. 

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