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I'm just confused as to how y'all can sit around and hate on people like damn y'all ain't got shit better else to do and then on top of that why everybody trying to come for Jania I'm confused asf like that girl don't be worried about y'all and y'all sit around and make theses fake pages and talk about her like y'all getting paid when y'all not

And yeah come argue with me cause I got motherfucking time tonight tomorrow and the day after that period

But anyway like how can y'all get mad at this girl cause she really don't be worrying about y'all I'm confused like y'all literally sit here and pick with her 24/7 365 like what the fuck y'all just feel like y'all obligated to bully Jania let me know right mf now🤔

And another thing y'all stay bring the kids into shit them are innocents babies they don't know shit that's going on in the world and y'all putting them caskets and calling them ugly and monkeys and shit like what the hell yall get out of that bruh I just wanna know like the hell

And like I said I got time to argue so come at me and I will buck back promise you that

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