Watching Movies

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A loud knock on the door scared the crap out of me. I got up and looked in the peephole to see Toby, then opened the door. Toby, Max and a blond woman were standing in the doorway.

"Hey, Pete," Toby said with a smile. "We're going to the movies, then out for a beer. Wanna come?"

I didn't have anything better to do. "Sure. Let me get changed."

I invited them in while I rushed to the bedroom and pulled off my sweat pants and pulled on a pair of jeans and a Polo shirt.

"Have you met Kristy?" Toby asked, referring to the blond who was holding onto his arm. Max had mentioned her before. I guess she was Toby's girlfriend... and Toby was straight.

"No, nice to you meet you. I'm Pete."

"Nice to finally meet you, Pete. Tank's told me all about you," she said with a smile.

Toby and Kristy got in the front driver and passenger of Toby's huge pickup truck. Max scowled and climbed in the back seat with me.

"Push the seat up," he grumbled to Kristy.

I was sitting behind Toby and there was actually a lot more room than I thought there'd be, but then I wasn't as tall as Max. We went to the theater and caught the latest action show. I ended up sitting between Kristy and Max. Toby and Kristy shared a large popcorn and Max and I shared one too. At one point in the second half of the movie, Max put his arm on the back of my chair and leaned in and whispered in my ear. He was so close his lips tickled at my ear as he made a stupid comment about the movie. We both started laughing and he moved back upright, but kept his arm on the back of my chair. A few minutes later, I felt his hand slowly rubbing circles on my shoulder.

"Ow!" Max exclaimed and pulled his hand away. I looked at him and he was leaning back scowling behind me. I turned my head and Toby was scowling back at him. I wasn't sure exactly what happened, but it looked like Toby knocked Max's hand away from me.

After the movie we went to a sports bar and shared a pitcher of beer. I didn't drink very much since I could get drunk off one glass. After finishing the pitcher off, we headed back home. Max tried to put his arm around me and kiss my neck, but I squirmed away.

"Knock it off, Max," Toby growled from the driver's seat.

"Mind your own business, Tank."

"Pete's got a boyfriend. Leave him alone."

Max scoffed and mouthed 'cock block' to me and slumped back into his seat. I giggled in spite of myself. When we got back to the apartment, Max said goodbye and sped out of the parking lot in his sports car. I thanked Toby and Kristy for inviting me and watched as they disappeared into Toby's apartment.

Things had been going pretty much the same for the past few weeks. I worked out with Toby three days a week. Mike would stop by on the way home once or twice during the week and usually for a few hours on Saturday afternoons. I went out with Toby, Kristy and Max most Friday or Saturday nights, depending on their schedules.

I was embarrassed when I realized after that second weekend that Kristy was Toby's sister, not his girlfriend. It was strange going out with them. They were all so outgoing and fun. I was shy and quiet, but when I was with them I had a good time and I laughed a lot. Max was really funny and always made me laugh. I liked Max, but I was starting to develop a crush on Toby.

Even though no one said anything, I realized that Toby was indeed gay. He was very protective of me when we were out, but it was like he had a split personality. He would be attentive and friendly one second and then the next he'd back off and ignore me. I thought maybe he liked me, but was being respectful of my 'relationship' with Mike.

Saturday late in afternoon, Mike and I were sitting on the couch watching TV and having a snack.

"Pete! Hey, Pete!" I heard from outside.

I walked out to the patio door and looked outside. Max was standing in front of his Mustang smoking a cigarette. I opened the patio door and stepped out.

"Max, be quiet," I hissed.

"Have you heard from Tank?" he asked.

"No. He's probably still at work if he's not at home."


Mike stepped out onto the patio and cleared his throat. He glared at Max. Max took a final drag of his smoke, then stomped it out and exhaled. He walked up to the patio and held out his hand to Mike.

"You must be the boyfriend," he said. "I'm Max."


I saw Max eye Mike up and down and then cut his eyes at me. Toby's rumbling pickup truck pulled in next to my Jeep.

"There's To-- I mean Tank now," I said.

Toby hopped out of his truck wearing his hospital scrubs. They were stained with God knows what from who knows where. Toby walked up to my patio and stood next to Max.

"Hey y'all," he said. "The ER was a nightmare today. I need a shower bad."

"You smell like shit," Max said.

"Hey, I don't think we've formally met," Toby said to Mike. "I'm Tank."


Mike shook Toby's hand and then said "Excuse us."

He slid open the patio door and then motioned for me to go inside. I glanced back at them and they were looking at each other as they walked to the terrace to go into Toby's apartment.

"You're not going out with them," Mike stated.


"I don't like them. I don't like the way they look at you."

"But, they're my friends."

"Don't be naive. They're not your friends. They just want to fuck you."

"That's not true, Mike. They're they only friends I have. Trevor and Annie are too busy with the baby coming, so I don't get to see them hardly ever."

"I don't like it. You're not going."

"That's not fair. You expect me to sit around the apartment alone?"

"I expect you to not slut around behind my back."

"Fine," I pouted. "I'll stay home."

"Good. I gotta get going. I'll try to call you later tonight."

"Why? To check up on me?" I said sarcastically.

"Don't do that. It's not cute."

I sighed.

"Listen, Peter. I know you're frustrated. You want more time with me, I know that. I'm working on it, okay? Soon, you'll have me for a whole night, okay?"

I nodded and wiped my eyes and sniffled. "Okay."

"Okay. Now give me a kiss before I go."

Mike gave me a hug and a deep kiss and then left.

When Toby, Max and Kristy stopped by later, I told them I wasn't feeling well and that I was staying home.

"That's bullshit," Max said. "Did he tell you not to go out with us?"

I shook my head and said, "No. I just don't feel well."

"Just leave it, Max," Toby said. "If Petey doesn't want to go with us, he doesn't have to."

I shut the door and bolted it. The look on Toby's face hurt. I wasn't sure if it was anger or disappointment or maybe both. I leaned up against the door and cried.

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