Drunk Night

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Things got slightly better the rest of the week. Mike and I got along fine at work. He was as friendly as before, but without any sexual undertones. I caught him checking out my butt once in the break room, but he didn't make any advances.

When I worked out with Toby on Wednesday, I was a little bit embarrassed having been rejected by him two days ago. He appeared to be uncomfortable as well and that made it worse. But by the end of the workout, things were mostly back to normal. After our workout, I followed Toby into the shower trying not to look at him, and took the shower furthest from him on the other side of the room. I quickly showered and said 'See ya later, Tank' as I hurried out of the shower and got dressed and left before he was finished.

Max joined us at the gym again on Friday. They helped me with my strength workout and while I did the treadmill, they continued their workout. Afterward, I stopped and got a drink from the water fountain. By the time I got undressed, they were already showering, and I picked the shower furthest from them.

"What're you doin' way over there?" Max shouted to me as he soaped himself up. "You gone shy all of the sudden?"

"Leave him alone, Max," Toby growled.

I caught Toby's eye and turned around and finished washing myself. As I was getting dressed, Max and Toby came out of the shower with towels wrapped around their waists. I willed myself not to look, and hurried and put my pants on.

"We're going out to dinner," Max said to me. "You comin'?"

"Um, I got some leftovers I should eat before they go bad. But next time, okay?" I said.

"Come on, Petey," Toby quietly prodded and I relented and agreed to join them.

The three of us drove to the restaurant and Max ran in to put our names on the list while Toby and I waited outside.

"Petey... I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable."

"It's okay, Tank. I'm just embarrassed. I thought you liked me..."


"You don't need to explain."

"It's just that... I don't really date."

"It's okay. Let's just pretend it never happened," I said as my voice quivered. I turned away from him and closed my eyes.

Luckily Max walked up to end our awkward conversation. "Five to ten minutes," he said.

After we placed our order, Toby got up to use the bathroom.

"So, what's up with you and Tank?" Max asked me.


Max raised his eyebrow. "Bullshit."

I sighed. "I humiliated myself by telling him that I liked him."


"'And' what? He turned me down. He's not interested."

"Oh, he's interested."

"Yeah, I can tell. All that uncomfortable silence and tension."

"Give him time, Pete. Get to know him."

"I think he made it pretty clear that he doesn't like me in that way."

I shook my head as Toby returned to the table. I ate my dinner quietly. I listened and laughed when appropriate, but didn't really offer much to the conversation.


I went to the movies on Saturday night with Toby, Max and Kristy and we saw the latest new release. We headed to the sports bar afterward and I drank too much. I was finishing my third beer and giggling at something stupid that Max said when I realized that I was drunk.

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