Chapter 6

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-Yamaguchi turned back towards the door, tears in his eyes. Just as he turned though he noticed a blurred figure crouching in the corner of the gym. 

He flew back around and saw a tall boy who was searching through his bag and muttering to himself.

"I swear to god I thought-" He stood up as he heard a voice, turning to see a green haired boy sprinting towards him. 

"TSUKKI!" Yama shouted, throwing his arms around the taller boys neck as he reached him.

"Yamaguchi-" Tsukishima stumbled back in surprise, tripping over his half-opened bag and falling to the ground.

They smashed down onto the floor, flipping over. Yamaguchi ended up hitting it first and it took all of Tsukki's strength not to fall down on him. He extended his arms at the last second and felt a small rush of pain shoot up his wrists as he did so. He ended up in a sort of push up position, hovering centimetres from Yama's body but more importantly his face. Or even more importantly...his lips.

Both of them just stared at each other. 

"I-I thought you were gonna be gone. I thought they were gonna kick you out and-" Yams voice cracked a little. 

"Hey," whispered Tsukki quietly "you can't get rid of me that easily."

Yamaguchi was extremely surprised that Tsukkishima hadn't immediately crawled off him. 

He was was even more surprised when he reached up and gently kissed his cheek. 

It was small, it was quick, but it felt..right.

A fraction of a second later Yama pulled away "I-Shit-" he used his feet to push himself out from underneath Tsukki.

Tsukki blinked a few times, falling to the floor as Yama stood up. 

"I-I'm sorry" Yama stuttered, backing towards the door.

Tsukki seemed to come back to his sense "Hey...Yamaguchi wait-"

But the green-haired boy was already running.

Tsukki started sprinting after him but by the time he had reached the door Yama was nearly out the school gates.

"TADASHI!" Tsukki called out after him but the first year didn't stop running.

Tsukki watched him go, gently brushing over his cheek where Yamaguchi had kissed. 

He couldn't see but Yama was crying, large tears spilling out of his eyes because he'd messed everything up.

Tsukki grabbed a fistful of his hair. He turned towards the gym and then back towards the door, head spinning. 

"Fuck Tadashi. What the hell was that?"


Tanaka and Noya had decided they wanted to be professional Japanese ice skaters. They were throwing themselves around ungracefully, spinning until they fell into a dizzy heap. 

Finally managing to stand up Noya retreated back to Asahi sobbing about how he'd never make it and Tanaka walked over to Sugawara, wrapping an arm around him. 

The look Daichi gave made him bark out a laugh and untangle himself from the other boy "Oh damn captain, I'm so sorry for touching your 'property' without asking."

Noya snorted along with everyone else as Daichi went off at Tanaka.

Suga just kept walking, a little pinker in the cheeks than before.

Suddenly Asahi started talking, destroying everyone's conversations as they turned to him "So Daichi, is Tsukishima back on the team then?" 

Daichi opened his mouth, rubbing his hands together as he let out a frosty breath but just as he went to speak Koshi cut in.

"He was never off the team. No matter what he thinks, he is a good blocker, you know Tsukki's got talent and missing a practice or two doesn't mean your immediately off the team-"

"Well if they're not 100% dedicated to practice then maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea-" Kageyama murmured under his breath. 

"What you want me to kick Yamaguchi off the team too?" Suga shot back, clenching his fists.

"I didn't say that I just-"

"Are they dating?" Hinata asked suddenly. Everyone stared at him in shock and he went red. 

"Oh-I'm sorry I just...well Yama just acts like...I don't know I mean I went through the back door to grab my jacket and Yama was basically throwing himself at Tsukishima-"

"Wait like literally?"


"EW!' Noya shouted, "Were they seriously gonna have sex in the gym?"

Everyone stopped walking.

"Guys no-" Suga started but at the exact same time, the whole team started screaming.

Tanaka shoved Noya "WHAT THE HELL MAN!"







"What the fuck is wrong with all of you?" 

The whole team whipped around and standing right behind them was a freckled face boy, eyes slightly red and puffy from crying and cheeks wet. 

"Yamaguchi..." Started Daichi.

"Save it." Yams whispered. He turned around and started running, Suga sprinting after him while the rest of them stayed back.

As soon as the team had recovered from the shock they started talking again.

"But I thought he said he wasn't coming?" Asahi murmured to Noya.

"Maybe something happened," Noya replied, listening into Hinata and Kageyama's conversation.

"He had been crying though!" Hinata explained.

"He probably just heard what we were saying dumbass!" Kageyama growled, shaking his head.

Hinata sighed unhappily "You don't get it, do you?" He turned around to Tanaka.

"You saw him crying, right?"

"Yeah" Tanaka responded "I bet it was Tsukishima. If that guy laid a finger on him I swear-"

"Nah." Murmured Noya "They're too close, Tsukki would never hurt him!"

Tanaka looked like he was about to agree but then changed his mind "But what if he lost control of his temper-"

"Enough!" Daichi called out loudly. Everyone stared at him, they had just reached the store.

"Everyone lay off it. Suga and I will sort it out but for now,  you all go get your meat buns and stay off the topic."

"Ok dad," whispered Noya.

Tanaka started choking.

They went and bought their food (Noya and Tanaka decided to get ice-cream despite it being freezing) but for once the team didn't completely listen to Daichi. 

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