Chapter 4

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Yamaguchi would spend every lunch with Tsukki, he had for as long as he could remember. Obviously that was now a problem. 

You can't be alone you'll look like a loser.

I mean you already are though, aren't you?

His thoughts took him back to this morning making Tsukki's words echo in his head. 

Fed up with standing there like a weirdo he grabbed his lunch aggressively, turning around and spotting Suga leaning against the classroom doorframe.

"Sugawara? What are you doing here?"

"Let's go, Yamaguchi.

Ah, shit. 

Yama winced, swallowing as the two walked outside. He was expecting to be scolded for something, maybe even kicked off the team. Hell, who knows what it meant if Suga had given up his lunch just to address- 

"You know I meant what I said this morning, you've got potential."

God that was not what he was expecting. He felt his face go a shade darker out of embarrassment "How-"

"When you're standing on the sidelines you begin to notice a lot of things," Suga shrugged as if it was a simple fact but Yams caught the small hint of sadness in his voice.

"You're not the only one who's on the sidelines Sugawar-"

"Suga. Just call me Suga," They walked in silence for a few moments before the grey haired boy shook his head and laughed "You must really like Tsukishima, right?" If it was possible Yams blushed even harder.

"I don't know what you talking about-"

Suga grinned "I mean you put up with him on a daily basis. You let him get mad at you...why though?"

There wasn't exactly a straight answer to that question. 

"He called me lame," Yamaguchi eventually spat out, afraid he was taking too long to answer. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as Suga stared at him in surprise. 

"I didn't mean that see-uh-well...well he kinda did but that was-wait what five and a half years-I don't even know exactly but-"

"Holy shit breathe Yamaguchi."

He inhaled sharply, taking a minute to gather all of his thoughts. 

"I guess it's because he's strong. He's strong inside and out, and even though he might not always act like it he's a really good friend. He stands up for me and he's always been there. Plus...I guess he's kinda cu-" He clamped his jaw shut, internally screaming at himself. 


Suga stared at him goofily with a knowing grin.

"Cunning! I was gonna say cunning! Hey, cut it out Suga! STOP LAUGHING! YOU KNOW THAT'S NOT-"

"No yelling in the hallways Yamaguchi!" 

"Sorry, sir."

Sugawara was cackling like a witch and as Tanaka rounded the corner with Noya and he noticed Suga's face he joined in.

"W h a t ' s    s o    f u n n y?" he wheezed.

Noya jumped on his shoulders "Tell us your secrets Yama~"

"Oh, I'll tell you his secrets" Suga teased and Yama slapped him lightly.

"You little-"

"Chill" Murmured Daichi as he entered the group, falling into line beside Suga.

There's now five of us...

"Hey, where's four eyes?" Tanaka asked suddenly, eyeing Yama. He didn't mean any harm by the name but it still wasn't particularly kind. 

He started walking a little faster "I don't know. And don't call him that-I'm talking to all of you."

"Oh come onnn, I saw you with him this morning." Tanaka raised an eyebrow and Noya gasped dramatically. 

"Maybe you're thinking of another morning, I walk with him everyday" Yamaguchi stated, ignoring how everyone was staring at him "What, do none of you have a best friend?"

Suga snorted and Yama felt a weird sensation that made him want to bop the vice-captain over the head.

"Ok all of you lay off," Daichi ordered "Go eat, I need you fired up for practice-No, not you Noya you're always fired up-" But the boy had already sprinted off.

"Get going Tanaka" Suga sighed, nudging the boy with his hand. 

"Sugaaaaaaaa pleaseeeeeee let me stayyy, I wanna hang out with youuuuuu because you're so coollllllllll-" The look Koushi was giving him told him to run or he'd regret it.

With an eye roll Tanaka chased after Noya, leaving the other three behind. 

"Daichi can we use the gym?" Suga asked, smiling at the dark haired captain. 

"Uh sure-aren't you hungry though?" He shook his head and Yama shot a confused look at Suga as he grabbed his wrist. 

"C'mon." The grey-haired boy smirked, "We don't have long."


Tsukki threw his stuff down at the door. The families car was gone from the driveway...that was good.

He grabbed his spare key out from the side pocket in his bag and shoved it in the lock, throwing open the door and jumping when he heard a yell.

"Who's there?" A rather familiar voice shouted and Tsukki relaxed.

"What the hell are you doing home Akiteru?"

His brother flung himself into view, holding a remote control over his head as a weapon "Kei? shouldn't you be in school?" He asked, lowering the object back down.

Tsukki narrowed his eyes and brushed him off, dropping his bag by the door.

"Damn little bro, what's wrong?" Questioned Akiteru, throwing an arm around him which Tsukki angrily pushed away.

"I just did something stupid, okay? It's not your problem." He turned towards the direction of his room but before he could move Akiteru grabbed his arm.

"C'mon Kei, you know you can talk to me."


"So talk."

"Loo why are you even home-"

"Oi oi oi, talk about your problems, not mine." Akiteru released him and the blond groaned before following him to the lounge room.

"So, where do these troublesome events start?" His brother asked, sitting down on one of the comfortable chairs.

"Like 5 years ago. In a playground..." Tsukki took a shaky breath.

I can't believe I'm telling you this

"Do you remember Yamaguchi?"

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