Chapter 14

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Five minutes later they still hadn't left. Daichi wasn't here. Yama drummed his fingers against the seat in front of him, occasionally looking over at Tsukki who was staring out the window. with his headphones on.

Another five minutes passed. Tsukki looked around and saw Suga sitting with his face buried in his hands. Tanaka leaned over and whispered to the boy something that sounded awfully like 'It's not your fault.'

So something had happened then.

He gave Tsukki a sharp jab in the side and he let out a yelp, turning around.

"What was that for? Are you still angry? I promise I was just trying to help-"

"No-it's just that somethings happened between Daichi and Suga." He murmured quietly.

"Yeah, because that wasn't obvious." Tsukki rolled his eyes and Yama punched his shoulder as hard as he could.

"Ow-it's not like we can do anything!"

Kageyama looked up and stared at the two due to the noise, whispering something in Hinata's ear. Hinata nodded and glanced over in their direction, muttering something back to his partner.

"You could text him."

"Come on why?" Tsukki banged his head against the seat, tilting his head to look at the boy. 

"Because you never text anyone-"

"I text you-"

"nOt ThE pOiNt! Just do it!"

Letting out an unhappy noise Tsukki did as he was told, typing the simple word 'help' into his phone.

Yama smirked as a reply quickly popped up on the screen but Tsukki cast him a dirty look.




What's wrong? Is someone hurt?

Something really bad has happened. 

I need you to come to school. 

Bring your volleyball stuff, it's an emergency.

Oh. I see what you're trying to do but it's not gonna work Tsukishima.

You guys should leave before you're late to your practice match.

Daichi, please. It's Sugawara.

I'm coming.

Yama smiled but Tsukki shook his head pointing to the third message.

"Look at it."

Yamaguchi read it over a few times and then realised the captain had used the term your instead of the or our.

"It's probably nothing." He shrugged, brushing a piece of loose hair from his face, but Tsukki felt like there was more to it. 

Yama stood up and walked over to Coach Ukai "Coach we've texted him. He says he's coming but we uh...sorta lied to him that there was an emergency. I mean well it's not technically lying since the emergency is that he's not here but-"

"Thanks kid."

Yama smiled and went to turn around but the man grabbed his arm "Listen. I have a feeling we're gonna need you this match alright? Don't let us down, you've got this."

Tadashi nodded swiftly and saw a flick of colour out the window. He walked over to the door and stepped outside, coming face to face with the captain himself.

In all honestly he didn't look to be in the best shape...or good shape at all. 

"Thank god." He sighed but Sawamura looked furious.

"So that's how you get me here? You think it's okay to just lie to me?" He turned around to leave bu Yamaguchi grabbed his arm.

"You are getting on that bus and you're gonna help us beat Nekoma whether you like it or not!" 

Daichi stared at him and Yama stared right back. His eyes began to water but he couldn't let the team down, couldn't let him walk away.

And finally after what seemed like hours of just standing there the captain finally looked away "Fine."

He and Yama got onto the bus and Daichi slumped down into a seat, leaning his head on his hand. Yamaguchi took his place next to Tsukki who didn't seem the least bit interested in what was happening.

"How did you do that?" Hinata whispered to Yama who just shrugged.

Kageyama scoffed and Tsukki whipped around "You have something to say, your highness?"

"What're you gonna do, hit me?" Kageyama teased but Tsukki didn't react.

"I wouldn't waste the time. Yamaguchi helped this team more than you'll ever be capable of so why don't you just go back to talking about us with your own boyfriend." 

Kageyama turned a deep shade of red and went to yell something but, Asahi who had heard what he'd said turned around and gave the boy a hideous death stare that no one had ever seen him use. Kageyama fell backwards in his seat still glaring at Tsukishima. Hinata did the same but occasionally glanced at the raven haired setter next to him. 

Yama smiled and caught Tsukki's eye. The taller boy winked and he looked down in his lap, beginning to casually fidget with his hands.

Yama felt slightly sick and even more scared. He'd just figured something out, something he never thought could actually be true. Something that could completely destroy his friendship with Tsukki and the team.

It all made sense now-every time Tsukki grabbed his hand and he felt a sudden rush of happiness. Every time Tsukki spoke his name like he wasn't useless. How he felt when Tsukki told him that he loved him...

And even more how he felt cuddled up next to him, breathing in the scent of his hoodie-the scent of him 

To say the least Tadashi was a lot of things.

But one thing he knew he was definitely not...was straight.

(Took you long enough to figure out my guy 👏🤨)

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