Chapter 12

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The team had been training their ass off...

But they were a mess.

Daichi was always tired and could never keep focus.

Hinata and Kageyama were being weird. Really weird. Ever time they accidentally brushed hands Hinata would get all flustered and say sorry and Kageyama would murmur something that no one else could hear that made Hinata slap him gently. 

Tanaka seemed to be with Sugawara more but no one knew why. Suga himself was still trying to be happy but every time he talked there was a hint of deep sadness in his voice.

Noya was his usual bouncy self but he was finding it harder to get the team to match his enthusiasm which was really bringing him down. He'd tried his best to forget what had happened.

 Asahi was being weighed down by work and was always off at practice, though he was trying his best to balance the two. 

Honestly, Tsukki and Yama were the most on their game out of everyone which was extremely surprising. 

"Everyone needs to sleep well. We'll be meeting at 5am tomorrow-"

"5am?" Hinata groaned and Yama let out a small cry of pain, leaning against Tsukki who pushed him away. 

"All of you need to stop being so sad," Noya said, casually cartwheeling across the room "How do you think we're going to beat Nekoma when most of you are acting like your dog just got hit by a truck," He punched Asahi and the softie winced, putting a large hand to his temple and rubbing it anxiously.

"Right," Suga said "Noya's right. Everyone needs to get their act together. Asahi I know you're worried about your schooling but we can help you, and we need our ace. Kageyama your last few sets have been off and're not doing any better. We need you two back on your game tomorrow, okay?" The short boys eyes filled with a determination but it was quickly destroyed by everyone else's moping "-Noya keep doing what you're doing. Oh-and Tsukishima lay off the nasty comments could you?"

Hey, he'd been pretty good! The worst he'd done today was when he compared Hinata to a pig on helium.

Still, he just rolled his eyes and shot a quick glance at Yama who had decided to lean against him again.

"I'm not a wall."

"I know you're not a wall."

He lowered his voice to a whisper "I'm not your boyfriend."

Yama quickly leant off him and crossed his arms over his chest, immediately making Tsukki feel a little bit colder. He hoped he was okay...maybe the comment came off more harsher than he intended. 

Yamaguchis POV

Yama lept away from Tsukki hastily. He could feel himself going red and took a deep breath of annoyance to hide it, crossing his arms over his chest.

Why was he so mean all the time?

Yama tried his best.

He looked up to Tsukki. The least the boy could do for him was show that he appreciated him.

Unless he doesn't 

A voice in his head whispered.


You know it's the truth

He heard Suga say his name but he ignored the vice-captain, nodding without hearing what he had said.

You're not worth him.

Yama's voice got stuck in his throat.

He hates you. Think about it all the time. You're just some random kid that he insulted years ago and now you won't stop following him. 

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