Chapter 16

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Karasuno erupted into cheers as Daichi slammed the ball down onto the other side of the court and they'd won the sixth game. They'd been playing for hours and it was now 3-3. Noya looked like he was ready to play many more matches, but the afternoon was quickly coming to an end and the sun would set soon. It was best to leave it there for now. 

After a firm hand shake everyone immediately began talking. Their schools relationship was extremely complicated, such a powerful force of love and hate that others would find their time spent together tiring. Somehow they got along well though, so both teams chatted lightly to each other, fighting for attention. 

Tsukki felt someone at his side and turned to see Kuroo "Can't you back off? I can't say I want you near me right now."

"I sniff bullshitttt" Kuroo smirked as Lev and Yaku strolled up beside him. In a matter of seconds, he felt Tadashi at his side along with the team captain.

"All you can smell is failure," Tsukki smirked and Yama snickered making a sad face at the others.

"You wanna go?" Lev asked "Right now, we can do a three on three. Although I don't know if freckles counts as a full player-"

"Leave him alone," Tsukishima rolled his eyes at the attempt to aggravate him.

Lev let out a whine at the statement but Yaku shook his head at him "It's fine, c'mon let's go get something to eat," he dragged the other boy off.

Kuroo grinned "You know I'd be careful, you wouldn't want anyone to know about-"

Tsukki lunged at him but then somehow from the holy heavens of God and our Lord and saviour Jesus, the Holy Spirit appeared in the shape of a certain grey-haired third year. 

He gave Tsukki a warning look "Don't. You. Dare"

The blond-haired boy immediately backed up. Sugawara whipped around to face Kuroo "If I ever hear you talking to any of my teammates like that again I swear on my grandmothers grave that you will never, ever hear the end of it. I will torture you for never-ending years, in a cycle of non-stop pain. Even when I die I'll haunt you day and night, dusk till dawn, destroying your crippled old self with my whispers until you finally get thrown in an insane asylum where you will rot like a sickly, century-old, shrivelled up prune." 


Kuroo literally ran.

Hinata and Kageyama who were a few steps ahead swivelled their heads around curiously, and burst into fits of laughter.

Without another word Suga marched off, leaving Daichi to run after him. 

As soon as they were gone Yama giggled, elbowing his best friend softly "So you still need mum to protect you ay-OW OKAY IM SORRY-STOP IT TSUKKI I SAID IM SORRY-" 

Hinata gave him a knowing smirk, and in the blink of an eye they had arrived at the barbecues. There were a handful, of other teams there which lead to Yama wondering why they weren't facing anyone else. These events always have a strange way of working out, so he didn't question it.

They all crowded around, stomachs rumbling, mouths watering like the dumb teenage boys they were. 

Kiyoko simply rolled her eyes in disgust as a handful of players heaped mountains of food onto their plates.

He and Tsukki both knew they wouldn't be able to grab anything good while those like Tanaka were getting their meals, so they made their way to a nearby evergreen tree. Tsukishima leaned against it while Yamaguchi sat down underneath it, a usual position for them to be in. 

"So are you gonna tell me then?" Tsukki asked suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence that had been relaxing in. 

Yama swivelled his head around "Tell you what?"

"You said you wanted to tell me something before the match. Come on, use that big brain of yours Yams." 

"Ouch." Yama gasped dramatically but his smile dropped when he remembered what he was going to say, "Oh-right the thing."

Tsukki seemed to notice his concerned look and sunk down until they were at the same level "Don't worry, I've got something to tell you as well."

Yama inhaled ready to confess until he realised something. They were continuing the game against Nekoma tomorrow, he would still be putting the blocker at risk of worsening his performance. 

"I-uh. I'll tell you after the games tomorrow, okay? It's really important and I don't want you to worry about anything."

"So does that mean when you tell me it's gonna make me worried? You don't think I can handle it?"

Yama went red "No that's not what I mean..."

"Just tell me Tadashi-"

"Look let me be will you!" said Yama rather fiercely, but he let out a groan straight after "no-I didn't mean that I'm just stressed-"

"Yeah, you've been stressed a lot lately" snapped Tsukki, stalking off. He wasn't in the mood  for this it seemed. 

"Wait! Tsukki!" Yama ran after him "Hey, I'm sorry alright? There's just something that's been on my mind-"

Tsukishima let out a frustrated sigh "You can tell me, I thought you trusted me."

"I do!" Tadashi swallowed "I just..."

"Can't? Yeah, that's what I thought." Tsukishima made his way off towards the food. Before Yama could react someone interrupted him. 

A hand touched his shoulder, causing him to turn and see Kenma standing there, looking bored.

"Oh, hi Kenma." 


"...I don't know if you remember but I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi."

"I know."


"So do you want something?" 

The boy seemed uncomfortable and Yama had to remind himself that he was a second year. His height and small build made him seem much younger than he was.

"Look" mumbled Kenma "I'm not really good with words...or feelings."

Yama blinked slowly. What was this guy talking about?

"So...what do you need help with-"

"I think I like Kuroo. As in really like him-maybe love I don't know."

O h. Wait what do I have to do with this?

"Woah that's...that's really great."

If Kenma was with Kuroo then that would mean he wouldn't mess with Tsukki any longer...

"But he's always having a go at Tsukishima. And he says they're just being stupid, but I can't tell. And-I don't know, I'm gonna sound really dumb there something going on between them?"

Yama's eyes widened in shock "No! I mean not that I know of..."

Wait. When Kuroo and Tsukki were talking at the school. And the Nekoma captain had mentioned a secret.

"Oh my god wait-" Yama's throat was tightening as he took rushed breaths.

"Don't worry, I've got something to tell you as well."

Yama was frozen. Kenma stared at him with a scared expression, reaching out so he was ready to catch him if he fell (not that he could). 

"Are you o-okay? Is something-is-is something wrong?" Kenma tripped over his words and his fingers knotted together, showing he was desperate to have something to fidget with.

Don't rush to conclusions.

It might be a misunderstanding.

"I-I have to go." he murmured, turning around quickly "I'm sorry I don't know the answer to your question." 

Tsukki wouldn't do that. Him and He wouldn't, he wouldn't, he wouldn't.

...But maybe he would.

"W-wait!" Kenma called after him "Where are you going?" 

Yama sprinted away, unable to respond.

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