Chapter 18 - DaiSuga

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(After the practice matches.)

Daichi stared at Suga. They had talked briefly before the match, their time cut short by the warm-up.

"I'm sorry" Daichi had murmured "I didn't mean anything I said and I've been a mess."

"Saying sorry doesn't change everything" Suga whispered quietly, tears forming in his eyes.

"Of course it doesn't. And if I have to spend every minute of my life making it up to you then I will."

Suga looked up and their eyes met. Daichi wanted nothing more than to hug him, to kiss him. But he knew he couldn't.

"Daichi we can't-"

"Yes, we can. And I know that you feel exactly the same as I do, Suga I l-"

"BOYS!" Coach Ukai yelled at the two "Start warming up!"

Suga glanced at him and then turned around and walked off. Suddenly a deep determination to impress him filled his chest. 

Needless to say Daichi played well the whole day. 

He was torn back into reality when he heard Noya's voice cut through the air, words aimed at him.

"Oi, aren't you gonna go talk to him?"

He whipped around and saw Noya standing there with Tanaka, Asahi and a second year.


"You've been staring for five minutes." Asahi informed him and he went deep red.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not a perv-" 

"Save it," Tanaka snapped "Do you want to be with him or not?"


"...I still don't know what you're talking about."

The group groaned.

"We need our 'parents' back," Noya whined, pouting to the third year.

Daichi glanced over at Suga and saw the boy looking his way but he quickly averted his gaze.

"Okay maybe."

Asahi blinked a few times then spoke, "Whatever. Who cares if you destroy the team with a decision you're gonna regret."


And with that, they walked away to get more food.

Daichi knew what he had to do. He made his way over to Suga who's gaze was fixed on Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

"Suga." Daichi said quietly and the boy turned around.

"Yes?" He replied, going crimson.

Confidence Daichi. Confidence.

"Come with me," He grabbed his hand and tugged him forward.

Suga let out a small yelp and Daichi smirked, leading him away from everyone and around the back of the first building he could find.

Daichi stumbled along the way and Suga nearly fell but he kept a tight grip on the boy, turning around to make sure they were out of sight.

"I'm really sorry about this," Daichi whispered taking deep breaths.

"About what-"

Daichi pushed Suga up against the wall, smashing their lips together.

Sugawara couldn't move even if he wanted to, so instead they fought for dominance, Daichi winning. A few seconds later the dark haired boy pulled away. Suga's hot breath tickled Daichi's cheek as the grey-haired boys head fell down to rest on the captain's shoulder.

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