Chapter 24

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(It's the final chapter!!! Thank you guys so much for all the support xx)

None of the Karasuno players were happy with the result of the day. They didn't know why but Nekoma had forfeited.

Yamaguchi felt disappointment swell inside of him. His determination was long gone, now replaced with frustration and sorrow.

He'd wanted to play for his team. He'd wanted to prove he was strong.

And he didn't even get to go on the court.

The team slowly made their way towards the bus, muttering to themselves unhappily. They truly didn't understand what had happened. 

"Why?" Asked Ennoshita, looking down "What, are we just not worth playing?"

Tanaka put an arm around him "Beats me. Damn cats. It was probably because they were losing to us

"Well, you know what they say" Chimed Noya, grinning despite everyone else's mood "Cats are cheetahs!" 

Everyone groaned. Tanaka removed his arm from Ennoshita and the boy shivered as the heat was removed from his body.

Kinoshita kicked the ground with his foot and let out a quiet cry as his shoe hit a sharp rock.

"Hey" Narita murmured softly "Be careful, you're gonna hurt yourself."

"We came to play," cried Hinata "Can't you get us another game Daichi? Like maybe with Fukurodani? I want to show Bokuto and Akaashi my new move with Kageyama."

"Don't forget who your real parents are," Murmured Suga under his breath, linking his and Daichi's hands. 

"Yeah, maybe." Stated Daichi unconfidently.

"We've still got a whole day ahead of us, surely something can be worked out?" Asked Asahi, but he was doubting it himself. 

"Maybe we just give up and go home," remarked Kageyama angrily.

Everyone looked over at him. They all knew he'd wanted to show off his and Hinata's amazing new attack, and overall he'd just wanted to have a good, fair game of volleyball where they'd officially won.

As they passed, some other teams glanced at Yamaguchi and then whispered to each other. The fight from last night was still fresh in all the players minds.

"No." A voice spoke. 

Kageyama spun around "What?"

"I said no, as in we shouldn't."

"Since when do you make the teams decisions glasses?" 

 "I don't," Tsukishima shrugged, "But we can't give up."

"When did you start caring?" asked Tanaka "I mean last time I checked you never thought about anyone but yourself-"

Yamaguchi stopped walking. He didn't know where Tsukishima and him even stood at the moment, there hadn't been any time for them to talk but that didn't matter at the moment. 

"Come on, grow up. Don't talk to him like that."

Now that he thought about it, was there even a reason to be mad at Tsukki? Maybe all of these events were just a huge misunderstanding. 

Tanaka blinked slowly and barked out a laugh "What?"

"He cares about people, I've seen him do it," Yamaguchi snapped sharply, finally done with this bullshit the second year had been pulling for the last few weeks. 

Tsukishima stared at him in surprise. The blond had been desperate to assess the situation but he could never get a chance to talk to his best friend.

"You don't have to make me sound like..." the blocker paused, not sure if he should continue "...a softie."

The whole group looked back and forth between the two, confused.

Yamaguchi met his golden eyes and then slowly reached into his the pocket of his volleyball jacket. 

He pulled out the polaroid and extended his arm out towards the taller boy.

"I think you dropped this."

Tsukishima eyed the photo. He didn't say anything.

"Guys?" Asahi asked, an alarmed expression on his face. 

Without a word Tsukishima grabbed Yamaguchi's pale wrist and pulled the boy in the opposite direction of the group.

"Ah, Tsukki!" he yelped, tripping over his feet at the sudden movement.

Without a word the older boy dragged him along (leaving a shocked team behind them), until finally, they reached the tree that Yams had kissed him under not long ago.

"What are you doing?" he asked, tearing his arm away from the other. 

"Why," groaned Tsukishima "Why'd it have to be you?"

"What are you-"

Yamaguchi felt his body connect with the tree as a pair of lips smashed onto his. The bark dug lightly into his skin, but during the heat of the moment, he could hardly feel it. Unlike their previous kiss which should probably be classified as more of a peck, this one was deep and full of meaning. There was passion behind it and...what was the word? 

Losing his train of thought, Yamaguchi pushed back attempting to fight for dominance but he lost the battle almost straight away.

"We have a lot to talk about" murmured Tsukki, finally pulling away to breathe.

Yamaguchi suddenly realised what the word he had been missing was.

"Yeah...we do."


End of Pride ||| Tsukishima x Yamaguchi

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*When the moon is not full the stars shine more brightly *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


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