Chapter 21

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It must've been extremely early in the morning. Tsukki slid into the sleeping quarters and surveyed the room, a shiver running down his spine. Everyone seemed to be asleep except for three empty mattresses. The first was his. The second Sugawara's. The third Yamaguchi's.

With a sigh, he began to skilfully leap over the others including Asahi's long legs and Tanaka's head (he was upside down). Just as he reached his futon someone spoke quietly into the darkness.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"I'm tired."

"No you're not, let's walk."

"I'm guessing that's not optional?"

The captain got up and Tsukki clambered back over to the door with him.

They walked outside in silence, making their way down the corridor.

After a few minutes they were outside in the freezing cold. Tsukki zipped up his black volleyball jacket to try and protect his chest from the cold.

"Tsukishima we need to talk about this..."

The blond boy remained silent, listening to the sounds of both his and Daichi's feet hitting the pavement.

"I'm gonna ask you some questions-"

"And what makes you think I'm going to answer them?"

"Uh...I'll kick you off the volleyball team if you don't?"

Tsukki scoffed, his breath making a small cloud of mist in the air "No you wouldn't."

"Okay you're right, I wouldn't, but we aren't gonna stop walking till I get answers."

After a few more seconds of silence Tsukki sighed. He knew Daichi would hold him to that, and even though he'd rather talk to someone like Suga he still nodded slowly.

"So why were you with the Nekoma team?"

"Uh, they wanted me to block for them. Yamaguchi and I had just had a fight, I wanted to take my mind off it," he answered bluntly.

"Why was Kenma angry then?"

"...Kuroo I guess."

"Why do you think Yamaguchi was angry?"

"Not sure, maybe he was worried about me or something. Kuroo doesn't have the best reputation-"

Daichi laughed quietly, shaking his head "Stop it, can't you see?"

Was that an insult?

"In case you haven't noticed," He gestured to his glasses "I'm half blind-"

"I mean can't you see that he likes you?"

Tsukishima stopped walking, a noise of disbelief escaping his mouth "You don't know what you're talking about."

The male raised an eyebrow "Really?" Tsukishima nodded as they continued walking "Fine. What happened inside the gym?"

"Something knocked into me and I lost my balance, I don't really know what happened but Kuroo was the only person there and..." he ran a hand through his hair uncomfortably "...I don't want to answer anything else about me."

"What happened with Kenma?"

"I said I don't wanna answer-"

"Last time I checked your name wasn't Kenma," retorted the third year, earning an eye roll from the blond.

"He got mad. Ran out."

"You're not helping," said Daichi impatiently "I need details Tsukishima."

"I told you!" He spat "I don't know! Just leave me alone, okay?" he turned around and was thankful he had his headphones around his neck. He needed somewhere he could escape to.

But just as he slipped them over his hears he heard Daichi call out:

"Do you like him?"

Tsukishima knew this question would come eventually. He clicked play on the first playlist he came across. A song began to play, filling his ears with a soft harmony and a memory came flooding back to him. Come on, anything but this dumb song. Of course the playlist for Yamaguchi was what he'd pressed on. 

'I gotta say what's on my mind'

"No." He murmured, not turning around to face the other boy due to his eyes watering. He looked up at the sky, blinking back tears as he dove headfirst into the memory.

'I've got to move on and be who I am

I just don't belong here I hope you understand

We might find our place in this world someday

But at least for now...

I gotta go my own way'

"I love him."

For once in his life Tsukishima Kei felt an overwhelming amount of emotions take over him, and he let himself begin to cry.

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