Introduction to the book

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Hi all,

This is my second werewolf story and I hope it will be much better than my first. I'm not even gonna promote that book, because I was 12 at the time of writing it and it's honestly a pile of poop!

I just wanted to clear up some things, as I know there are thousands of wolf stories on Wattpad and this one might be slightly confusing and some of you may comment that certain things don't happen in the wolf community! Let me just remind you that this is FICTION, none of this is real so I'm free to write this book how I choose!

Also just a warning, this is going to be a long book! I have thought about making it into two books, but I'd rather write it as one. Therefore there will be 40+ chapters.
If long books are not for you, then don't read. I don't want to have to see comments complaining about the length of my book!

Some of you may be completely new to werewolf stories so let me clear some things up for you!

Important terms

Wolves/Lycanthropes - A species that have the ability to have two forms of a wolf and human. They can turn to wolfs at any time, they do not have to wait for a full moon. (I am aware that some species of wolfs in books do wait for a full moon)

Moon Goddess - The superior deity who looks over the wolf species from up above, she is in charge of pairing two wolves together, as soulmates.

Mates - Soulmates, two souls that are destined and fated to be together for life.

Alpha - The leader of a pack of wolves, usually a male although a female can be Alpha if the previous Alpha has no surviving male heirs. The Alpha is in charge of protecting the pack, feeding them and ensuring their wellbeing. They have the right to command and order their pack around, whatever they say goes.

Luna -  Luna refers to the female superior of the pack. She is the other half of the Alpha, normally the Alpha's fated mate. She has a mothering role of the pack but is also expected to make decisions with the Alpha.

Marking - The process of being bitten on the crook of your neck by your mate. This starts the process of a mate bond as the scent of the two wolves mixes together, it is a deterrent against unmated wolves.

Mating - Means what it means guys!

Heat - occurs for a female and male wolf that has found their mate on every full moon. For males, they will only have a slight migraine of discomfort, whereas females will have a burning pain within. The heat will last for up to three days until the full moon will return, the process is to get the mated couple to mate and produce pups. If a male wolf or female couple has already indulged in the act of intimacy with someone who is not their fated mate, they will not undergo heat.

Full moons - Every full moon heat occurs, but also this is the time when a Luna ceremony can be performed. 

Wolfsbane - It is poison to wolves, can weaken them and if too much is given it can be extremely detrimental.

Pack - A community/group of wolves under the care of the Alpha and Luna

Beta - The Alpha's second in command, often advises the Alpha if need be. If the Alpha is away, the responsibility of the pack falls to the Beta.

Gamma - The Alpha's third in command, in charge of military and training of wolves. If the Beta is away, the Gamma takes their place.

Delta - The Alpha's fourth in command, in charge of the safety of the Luna. Often her guard, whilst the Alpha is occupied with pack duties.

Omega - Weakest pack member, usually a disgrace to the pack. The pack has a role of caring for omegas but due to their weak status, they are hated by the pack.

Rogues - Wolves that are not in a pack, it is frowned upon to be a rogue, seen as a threat to Alphas.

Vampires - A species that must survive on the blood of humans, they are a wolf's natural enemy despite trying to live in peace.

Demons - A species from the underworld, they are power-hungry and strong and can transform into monstrous beasts.

Witches - Beings that are gifted with magic, they can manipulate the elements of the earth, they can often live for hundreds of years.

Dragons - Shapeshifting beings that have a powerful element of fire, that they can use at their own will. (Just a normal dragon that you probably see in Game of Thrones, but in this case, they too have a human side)

How this book differs-

There is a superior Alpha known as the Demon Alpha. He has dominion over all wolves and all other Alphas but allows smaller packs to live under his reign. I don't want to spoil it too much, as everything will be revealed within!



Graphic on the side  made by @bffhiz111

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