epilogue explanation

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so, since i realised my comment is getting hidden from the comments y'all fruit loops gave (which i had fun reading to, Y'ALL THE BEST UWU 💕), i decided to put the explanation here so you guys won't have a hard time scrolling through the comment section in the "epilogue" chapter to search for the explanation. okay, everyone, have a great day!! moon, peace out! (what the heck did i even type smh)

e x p l a n a t i o n

so, to make things clear, in case some of y'all haven't grasped it yet, the sisters didn't actually run away from the brothers but, it was part of their plan with the brothers.
  the girls returned so that the search for the brothers won't be as intense as it was before and after a while of staying with their family to make sure they were "not targeted" by the brothers, the brothers appear and so, the girls return back to them since there are already "a part of them."
  then, they do some criminal acts but since the ones killing aren't the brothers, the methods are different and the possibility of the brothers being the suspects isn't taken seriously by the police.
  after that, they made up the girls' fake deaths by burning up emerald apartment so that the girls can stay with them and won't be searched and labelled as missing.
  so now, they can stay with one another :)
with their own definition of "happily ever after."

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