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A new town

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A new town. A new life. My dad got a new job that has more benefits and a better salary, so of course him and my mom deemed it necessary to take the job. The downside is that this new job is in a new town, which is in a new state.

I think this new town could be good for me. I'm 17 and will be a senior in high school. At my old school I didn't have a lot of friends, only a few acquaintances. 

I might not be extremely bummed out about the move, but my little brother is devastated. Tyler, my 11 year old brother, will be in 7th grade. I keep telling him he will make new friends, something I'm mainly saying to try to convince myself that I'll make new friends.

After a few hours on the road we enter Plainview. It looks like a nice neighborhood with cool local hang out areas. We pull up to a two-story house with a beautiful garden and spacious backyard.

"Welcome to your new house kids!" My mom squealed with excitement.

"Let's all pitch in and bring some boxes in." My dad eyes my brother and I.

"Dibs on the best room in the house!" I yelled as I unbuckled my seatbelt, opened the car door, and ran inside. My brother followed close behind.

I checked all of the rooms and saw one that had a really big window with a shelf underneath it. I went back out to the car and got boxes that had the most of my belongings.

"I guess there's nothing else I have to do." I mutter to myself as I start opening the boxes and decorating to my desire.

It's been almost 5 hours but I think my room finally feels like my own. I hung up a few band posters and my fairy lights. I was even able to set up my new white desk, and find a place for a nice plant and my full sized mirror.

The second I was able to collapse on my bed and relax the doorbell rang. "Can't I get any rest ever?" I groan.

As I walk down the stairs I hear an unfamiliar voice. "That is so thoughtful, thank you!" My mom says to the mystery guest.

"Oh honey, good you came down. This is Susan Heffley, shes our new neighbor." My mom ushers for me to come next to her.

"Susan this is my daughter Carson. I also have an 11 year old running around here somewhere."

I walk over to my mom and Mrs. Heffley. "Hi Carson, it's nice to meet you! My husband and boys should stop by later to welcome you to the neighborhood."

"Oh what age are the boys?" My mom asks. I never understood small talk like this. It's pointless.

"I've got a little four year old, a 12 year old that maybe your boy would get along with, and a 17 year old." Mrs. Heffley tells us.

"Carson, you're 17, maybe you and this boy will get along. You could make some new friends." My mom teases.

"Well Rodrick is quite a character. You know he's a drummer in a band he started with his friends." Mrs. Heffley brags about her son for a minute.

"He sounds great, you know I really should go help dad in the kitchen." I try to get out of continuing this very boring conversation.

"Alright you go ahead!" My mom lets me leave.


I walk into the kitchen seeing if my dad needs help. He accepts and I help unpack silverware.

"Hey Matt! The Heffley's next door invited us over for dinner tonight, isn't that so nice?" My mom exclaims to my dad.

"Good, we don't have any food in thi- I mean that is such a nice gesture!" My dad saves himself as I chuckle at the failed attempt.

"Carson go get Tyler and tell him to get ready for dinner at the Heffley's." My mom orders.

I jog upstairs and whip open my brothers door. "Hey get dressed dip, we have dinner at the neighbors soon. There's a boy around your age who lives there." He runs to his box of clothes out of excitement.

I stroll into my room and look through the potential outfits I could wear. I'm not saying I want to impress this so called Rodrick guy, but it would be nice to look presentable.

I grab a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a blue cropped sweater. I let down my brown curls and apply little mascara. I'm not the big makeup type, unless it's for a special occasion.

After a while of getting ready I walk downstairs and put on some boots. "Mom I'm ready!" I called out, hoping everyone would be down soon.

"You look nice sweetie. You know that Rodrick boy will be there." My mom smirks. "Mom please stop, for all I know he could be a total ass."

"You're right but let's not say that in front of them." My mom whispers. My dad and brother come downstairs and we all leave for the Heffley's.

My dad reaches up and rings the doorbell. Mrs. Heffley opens up with who I am assuming is her husband.

Susan! It's great to see you again, and you must be Frank." My mom greets them. My dad and Mr. Heffley shake each other's hands.

"Come in, you must be Tyler. My son Greg is in the living room if you want to say hello." Mrs. Heffley sends him over to Greg.

"I have to go check on Manny really quick, so go ahead and make yourself at home." Mr. Heffley heads upstairs.

I walk inside with my parents and go to the living room. "Rodrick come downstairs!" Mrs. Heffley yells.

Just then a tall, skinny teenage boy with shaggy dark brown hair walks down the stairs. He was wearing a black t-shirt that had the words 'Loded Diper' on it.

"Really? That's what you decided to wear?" Mr. Heffley asked as he came downstairs with Manny.

"Gotta rep the band dad." Rodrick said, which made me chuckle a bit. Rodrick turns towards me when I do this. It makes me feel a bit awkward since I was slightly staring at him, so I turn towards my mom instead.

Once the parents walk into the dining room, Rodrick comes up to me. "New girl, huh? This should be fun." He walks into the dining room with everyone else.

There's no denying that Rodrick is really cute, but he comes across as arrogant. I won't be too quick to judge him though. I quickly walk into the dining room to join everyone else.

The only seat left at the table is directly across from Rodrick. Great.

This will definitely be interesting.

a/n LOL yes i did make a rodrick story but im so bored during quarantine. this was kind of a long chapter but im just setting the scene. hope you like it!!

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