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"Carson you need to stop crying." Tyler told me.

"Sweetie it's just not worth the tears." My mom assured me.

"Don't be a little bitch." Rodrick whispered in my ear.

In case you're deeply confused, I am currently on my couch with a blanket wrapped around me and a box of tissues at hand. I don't think I've ever been more sad.

"I- is she watching it again?" My dad threw up his hands in annoyance.

I'm watching The Fault In Our Stars.... again. It makes me cry every single time. I'm talking choking on a sob sort of cry.

"You've seen it at least a 100 times, don't you see it coming by now?" Tyler asks, slightly worried for my mental health at the moment.

"Yes b-but they're just s-so in love that you forget about what happens!" I stutter out, still crying.

My mom and brother gave up and decided to leave me alone on the couch. Rodrick slides over closer to me. He slowly takes the tissue box out of my hand as I give him a death glare.

"Easy there princess. I'm going to turn on a happy show now." Rodrick says softly. "Is that okay?" He's speaking to me like a loved one just died.

It might as well be true, I love Augustus Waters like a brother. Him and Hazel are so perfect for each other.

I watch with tears still in my eyes as Rodrick turns Netflix on. He clicks on New Girl. "No! Only the first 3 seasons! The rest just aren't the same." I choke out. I'm very specific on what New Girl seasons I'll watch.

Rodrick chuckles and turns on the first season. He sets down the remote and gets up to leave. "Wait. Where are you going? Aren't you going to sit with me?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.

"I need to go rehearse with the band. You know our big performance is next week." Rodrick explains. I nod slowly and look into the distance.

Rodrick lets out a sigh. "But I'll stay here with you for a few episodes." He sits back down. I smile as I cuddle up next to him.

I started to cry more. "What now?" He seemed concerned for his own well being. "I just love Nick and Jess so much!" I may still be vulnerable from the movie.

I rested my head on Rodricks shoulder and cried a little more. I felt his shirt get wet from my tears, but I slowly felt my eyes droop closed. All that crying really tired me out.

I woke up on the couch alone. Rodrick must've left to go practice. I walked into the kitchen to see Tyler. "Don't hurt me! I won't touch your snacks!" He yelled, possibly still afraid of me from all the crying.

"Where's Rodrick?" I asked, also side eyeing my snacks to make sure they're okay.

"About 20 minutes after you fell asleep he slowly rested your head on the couch and put a blanket over you, got up and complained that you got his shirt wet, then went to go practice in his garage." Tyler told me. I nodded and went to go see him.

"Wait! Don't go there though." He stopped me. I turned around confused. "Why?" Tyler looked panicked. "Because uh, um, lets do a puzzle!" He shouted.

"Tyler we both know the only puzzles you can do are the 24 piece ones, now tell me why I can't go over there." I was starting to get frustrated.

"You can't because uh, uh..."


"Rodrick said he doesn't want you in there!" Tyler looked relieved to get it off his chest, then scared Rodrick would kill him for it.

"Why doesn't he want me there?" I stepped closer. "Tyler if you don't tell me, I will have to kill you." I jumped forward to freak him out.

"He has a girl over!" Tyler shouted, then ran off upstairs.

A girl?

I walked next door to see Greg coming my direction. "Hey Carson! Is Ty-"

"Can it Heffley!" I yelled through gritted teeth. Greg looked slightly terrified at my sudden turn and ran into my house.

I opened the garage door and saw the band practicing... alone. I guess Tyler misheard Rodrick.

"Carson, what's up!" Ben greeted me with a cheeky smile. "Rodrick said you wouldn't be coming today." Chris said.

Before I could answer I heard someone come in through the door connected to the house. "Rodrick, this band better not suck when you perform. Holly is dragging me there and I will not be humiliated because of you." A shrill annoying voice says.

I follow the voice, which led me to Heather Hills. "Who the hell is this train wreck?" Heather condescendingly said.

I looked down at myself, I guess I looked like a mess right now, but what gives this bimbo the right to say that to me?

"Heather, why don't you step outside for a second?" Rodrick offered. She scoffed. "No, it's okay, I'll go." I said and walked out the door and back into my own house.

"Carson wait!" I heard Rodrick call after me. I walk past the living room where Tyler, Greg, and Holly were sitting. I guess Holly came with Heather.

"Rodrick enough! Just forget about it." I snap back at him.

Tyler, Greg, and Holly all go to the doorway to see what the yelling is about.

"Why are you so upset about all of this?" Rodrick asks.

"You want to know why? Really?" I started to raise my voice.

"Yeah I really would." Rodrick has a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"All summer you've been pining after Heather Hills when you've been too blind to notice that I like you!" I yell.

Rodrick stays silent, out of shock.

"You know I'll never be that preppy popular girl, but I'll always support you and care about you." I said the last part in a softer tone.

"Carson, I- I don't know what to say. I mean I thought we were just best friends." Rodrick says, I hear some hurt in his words.

"Oh." I whisper.

"Carson no I didn't mean it like that." Rodrick tries to take back the words he just said.

"No, I'm sorry. It was my fault to think you'd want me instead of Heather. I'm gonna go. Bye Rodrick." I let a tear fall as I went upstairs.

"You know, she may be my sister, but Heather would never treat you as well as Carson ever did." Holly pointed out.

Rodrick just turned and looked at her, before walking out.

a/n damn imagine being able to be rodricks girlfriend

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