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I feel bad about what happened with Rodrick. I'm being too hard on him. It's not his fault at all for thinking Heather Hills is hot. I can't control who he does or doesn't like.

I may be 'jealous' or whatever. Rodrick is my friend and I'm not going to lose my only friend over my irrelevant emotions.

I've been moping around all day in bed, so I get up, get dressed, and walk over to my window. I see Rodrick in his room, but he's dressed and fixing his hair. "I guess he's going out?" I mutter to myself.

I knock on my window but he's already out the door before he could hear anything. I quickly leave my room so I could go find him.

I run downstairs and see Tyler and Greg sitting in the living room watching tv. "Hey Greg, do you know if Rodrick is going somewhere today?"

Greg looked over at me and shrugged. "He asked my mom to borrow her car so maybe."

Wait. Who's Rodrick going to see where he doesn't want to drive his van? He loves that van, possibly more than his own brother.

I don't want to seem like I'm stalking Rodrick so I go out to my backyard. Once I'm out there I run to the fence so I can get a view of the driveway.

Rodrick is wearing a regular Rodrick-style shirt but he has a button up on top of it. Relatively fancy for him. I see him getting into the Heffley family car as he drives away.

I go back into my room and call him after he's been gone for a half hour.

Calling Rodrick....
No answer

I'm not going to get invested in this. I'm acting like a crazy person. I don't need to know where he is at all times.

Although I do hear a car door shut. I run outside to see Rodrick about to go inside. "Hey rock star." I said to him. He turns around. "Hey. What's up?"

"I actually wanted to talk to yo-"

ring ring

"Sorry, one second." Rodrick apologizes as he answers his phone.

"Hey. No you didn't leave your scarf in my car, I don't think you were even wearing a scarf today. Yeah. Alright, okay. Bye Heather."

My stomach dropped. He was with Heather all day? Why didn't he take her out in his van? Oh... because he wants to impress her.

"So what's up?" Rodrick asks. "Never mind. I actually hear my mom calling me, see you later." I say with a shaky voice as I felt a tear drop fall down my face.

"Carson are you crying?" Rodrick looks a little concerned.

"No, I have to go. See you later rock star." I run inside, completely breaking down. I loudly sob as I make a run for my room.

I go to my room and sit in my chair that faces my window. I opened it up to let fresh air get in. I don't care if people would hear me crying, I needed to let it out.

Why am I feeling this? Do I like Rodrick?

I look up when I hear a window open. I rub my eyes to get rid of the blurred vision. I see Rodrick sitting on the ledge of his window sill.

"So rumor has it, you went out with Heather Hills today." I try to say with a small laugh.

"I guess you could say that. I took her to the mall." Rodrick told me.

"That's great. I bet she really likes you. I have to take a shower, good luck." I say and leave quickly.

I turn the shower on and let the hot water fall on my skin. Much needed after the day I've had.

I've been thinking a lot about how I feel. Rodrick and I are better off as friends anyway. It was stupid of me to think we could ever have a relationship.

After my shower I put on a robe and wrap a towel around my dripping wet hair. I walk into my room. I left my window open, so as I go over to close it I see Rodrick sitting at his window.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion when he jumps up as soon as he sees me. He holds up a finger and fumbled with a speaker. I get ready to hear hard rock music.

What comes next, surprises me. Rodrick turns on the speaker and instead of heavy metal playing, a song sung by Rodrick started playing. Not Loded Diper, just Rodrick.

"I know, I know you're upset with me, I'm not entirely sure why, but I'm sorryyyyyyy. You are a pain in the ass, always interrupt my band practice but I prefer it that way anyway. I'm sorry you're upset Carsonnnnnn."

It was a terrible song with shaky vocals, but the gesture made me cry. Rodrick turned the speaker off. "I'm sorry you're upset Carson, especially because I think it's something I probably did." Rodrick apologizes.

"Rodrick, I-" I am at a total loss of words at the act of kindness. When does Rodrick ever do something selfless for another person? Never.

"You don't have to say anything." He says, as he climbs into my room. He simply walks over to me and hugs me. My arms dangle at my side for a minute before I pull them up and return the hug, strongly.

It's like I could feel every inch of my body being lit up with sparks. The hug ends after what felt like forever. He steps back and goes into his own room and shuts the window.

I stand there in awe. Maybe I was wrong, maybe a relationship is possible between us.

Does Rodrick like me? Because I think I like him. Scratch that. I do like him. A lot.

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